class ServerGoalHandle:
Constructor: ServerGoalHandle(status_tracker, action_server, handle_tracker)
- @class ServerGoalHandle
- @brief Encapsulates a state machine for a given goal that the user can
- trigger transisions on. All ROS interfaces for the goal are managed by
- the ActionServer to lessen the burden on the user.
Method | __eq__ |
Equals operator for ServerGoalHandles @param other The ServerGoalHandle to compare to @return True if the ServerGoalHandles refer to the same goal, false otherwise |
Method | __hash__ |
hash function for ServerGoalHandles @return hash of the goal ID |
Method | __init__ |
A private constructor used by the ActionServer to initialize a ServerGoalHandle. @node The default constructor was not ported. |
Method | __ne__ |
!= operator for ServerGoalHandles @param other The ServerGoalHandle to compare to @return True if the ServerGoalHandles refer to different goals, false otherwise |
Method | get |
Undocumented |
Method | get |
Accessor for the goal associated with the ServerGoalHandle @return A shared_ptr to the goal object |
Method | get |
Accessor for the goal id associated with the ServerGoalHandle @return The goal id |
Method | get |
Accessor for the status associated with the ServerGoalHandle @return The goal status |
Method | publish |
Send feedback to any clients of the goal associated with this ServerGoalHandle @param feedback The feedback to send to the client |
Method | set |
Set the status of the goal associated with the ServerGoalHandle to aborted @param result Optionally, the user can pass in a result to be sent to any clients of the goal |
Method | set |
Accept the goal referenced by the goal handle. This will transition to the ACTIVE state or the PREEMPTING state depending on whether a cancel request has been received for the goal |
Method | set |
A private method to set status to PENDING or RECALLING @return True if the cancel request should be passed on to the user, false otherwise |
Method | set |
Set the status of the goal associated with the ServerGoalHandle to RECALLED or PREEMPTED depending on what the current status of the goal is @param result Optionally, the user can pass in a result to be sent to any clients of the goal... |
Method | set |
@brief Set the status of the goal associated with the ServerGoalHandle to rejected |
Method | set |
Set the status of the goal associated with the ServerGoalHandle to succeeded @param result Optionally, the user can pass in a result to be sent to any clients of the goal |
Instance Variable | action |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | goal |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | handle |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | status |
Undocumented |
Equals operator for ServerGoalHandles @param other The ServerGoalHandle to compare to @return True if the ServerGoalHandles refer to the same goal, false otherwise
A private constructor used by the ActionServer to initialize a ServerGoalHandle. @node The default constructor was not ported.
!= operator for ServerGoalHandles @param other The ServerGoalHandle to compare to @return True if the ServerGoalHandles refer to different goals, false otherwise
Send feedback to any clients of the goal associated with this ServerGoalHandle @param feedback The feedback to send to the client
Set the status of the goal associated with the ServerGoalHandle to aborted @param result Optionally, the user can pass in a result to be sent to any clients of the goal
Accept the goal referenced by the goal handle. This will transition to the ACTIVE state or the PREEMPTING state depending on whether a cancel request has been received for the goal
A private method to set status to PENDING or RECALLING @return True if the cancel request should be passed on to the user, false otherwise
Set the status of the goal associated with the ServerGoalHandle to RECALLED or PREEMPTED depending on what the current status of the goal is @param result Optionally, the user can pass in a result to be sent to any clients of the goal
- @brief Set the status of the goal associated with the ServerGoalHandle to rejected
- @param result Optionally, the user can pass in a result to be sent to any clients of the goal