class documentation

Merges CompositeDiagnosticTask into a single DiagnosticTask.

The CompositeDiagnosticTask allows multiple DiagnosticTask instances to be combined into a single task that produces a single DiagnosticStatusWrapped. The output of the combination has the max of the status levels, and a concatenation of the non-zero-level messages.

For instance, this could be used to combine the calibration and offset data from an IMU driver.

Method __init__ Constructs a CompositeDiagnosticTask with the given name.
Method addTask Adds a child CompositeDiagnosticTask.
Method run Runs each child and merges their outputs.
Instance Variable tasks Undocumented

Inherited from DiagnosticTask:

Method getName Returns the name of the DiagnosticTask.
Instance Variable name Undocumented
def __init__(self, name):
def addTask(self, t):

Adds a child CompositeDiagnosticTask.

This CompositeDiagnosticTask will be called each time this CompositeDiagnosticTask is run.

def run(self, stat):

Runs each child and merges their outputs.

tasks: list =
