class documentation

Python dynamic_reconfigure client API

Method __init__ Connect to dynamic_reconfigure server and return a client object
Method close Close connections to the server
Method get_config_callback Retrieve the config_callback
Method get_configuration Return the latest received server configuration (wait to receive one if none have been received)
Method get_description_callback Get the current description_callback
Method get_group_descriptions Undocumented
Method get_parameter_descriptions UNSTABLE. Return a description of the parameters for the server. Do not use this method as the type that is returned may change.
Method set_config_callback Set the config_callback
Method set_description_callback UNSTABLE. Set the description callback. Do not use as the type of the description callback may change.
Method update_configuration Change the server's configuration
Method update_groups Changes the servers group configuration
Class Variable config_callback Undocumented
Class Variable description_callback Undocumented
Instance Variable config Undocumented
Instance Variable group_description Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Instance Variable param_description Undocumented
Method _descriptions_msg Undocumented
Method _get_service_proxy Undocumented
Method _get_subscriber Undocumented
Method _param_type_from_string Undocumented
Method _updates_msg Undocumented
Instance Variable _config_callback Undocumented
Instance Variable _cv Undocumented
Instance Variable _description_callback Undocumented
Instance Variable _descriptions_sub Undocumented
Instance Variable _param_types Undocumented
Instance Variable _set_service Undocumented
Instance Variable _updates_sub Undocumented
def __init__(self, name, timeout=None, config_callback=None, description_callback=None):

Connect to dynamic_reconfigure server and return a client object

@param name: name of the server to connect to (usually the node name) @type name: str @param timeout: time to wait before giving up @type timeout: float @param config_callback: callback for server parameter changes @param description_callback: internal use only as the API has not stabilized

def close(self):

Close connections to the server

def get_config_callback(self):

Retrieve the config_callback

def get_configuration(self, timeout=None):

Return the latest received server configuration (wait to receive one if none have been received)

@param timeout: time to wait before giving up @type timeout: float @return: dictionary mapping parameter names to values or None if unable to retrieve config. @rtype: {str: value}

def get_description_callback(self):

Get the current description_callback

def get_group_descriptions(self, timeout=None):


def get_parameter_descriptions(self, timeout=None):

UNSTABLE. Return a description of the parameters for the server. Do not use this method as the type that is returned may change.

@param timeout: time to wait before giving up @type timeout: float

def set_config_callback(self, value):

Set the config_callback

def set_description_callback(self, value):

UNSTABLE. Set the description callback. Do not use as the type of the description callback may change.

def update_configuration(self, changes):

Change the server's configuration

@param changes: dictionary of key value pairs for the parameters that are changing @type changes: {str: value}

def update_groups(self, changes):

Changes the servers group configuration

@param changes: dictionary of key value pairs for the parameters that are changing @type changes: {str: value}

config_callback =


description_callback =


config =


group_description =


name =


param_description =


def _descriptions_msg(self, msg):


def _get_service_proxy(self, suffix, timeout):


def _get_subscriber(self, suffix, type, callback):


def _param_type_from_string(self, type_str):


def _updates_msg(self, msg):


_config_callback =


_cv =


_description_callback =


_descriptions_sub =


_param_types: dict =


_set_service =


_updates_sub =
