class documentation

class PlanningSceneInterface(object):

Constructor: PlanningSceneInterface(ns, synchronous, service_timeout)

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Python interface for a C++ PlanningSceneInterface. Uses both C++ wrapped methods and scene manipulation topics to manipulate the PlanningScene managed by the PlanningSceneMonitor. See wrap_python_planning_scene_interface.cpp for the wrapped methods.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method add_box Add a box to the planning scene
Method add_cone Add a cylinder to the planning scene
Method add_cylinder Add a cylinder to the planning scene
Method add_mesh Add a mesh to the planning scene
Method add_object Add an object to the planning scene
Method add_plane Add a plane to the planning scene
Method add_sphere Add a sphere to the planning scene
Method apply_planning_scene Applies the planning scene message.
Method attach_box Undocumented
Method attach_mesh Undocumented
Method attach_object Attach an object in the planning scene
Method clear Remove all objects from the planning scene
Method get_attached_objects Get the attached objects identified by the given object ids list. If no ids are provided, return all the attached objects.
Method get_known_object_names Get the names of all known objects in the world. If with_type is set to true, only return objects that have a known type.
Method get_known_object_names_in_roi Get the names of known objects in the world that are located within a bounding region (specified in the frame reported by get_planning_frame()). If with_type is set to true, only return objects that have a known type.
Method get_object_poses Get the poses from the objects identified by the given object ids list.
Method get_objects Get the objects identified by the given object ids list. If no ids are provided, return all the known objects.
Method remove_attached_object Remove an attached object from the robot, or all objects attached to the link if no name is provided, or all attached objects in the scene if neither link nor name are provided.
Method remove_world_object Remove an object from planning scene, or all if no name is provided
Static Method __make_box Undocumented
Static Method __make_cone Undocumented
Static Method __make_cylinder Undocumented
Static Method __make_existing Create an empty Collision Object. Used when the object already exists
Static Method __make_mesh Undocumented
Static Method __make_planning_scene_diff_req Undocumented
Static Method __make_primitive Undocumented
Static Method __make_sphere Undocumented
Method __submit Undocumented
Instance Variable __synchronous Undocumented
Instance Variable _apply_planning_scene_diff Undocumented
Instance Variable _psi Undocumented
def __init__(self, ns='', synchronous=True, service_timeout=5.0):


def add_box(self, name, pose, size=(1, 1, 1)):

Add a box to the planning scene

def add_cone(self, name, pose, height, radius):

Add a cylinder to the planning scene

def add_cylinder(self, name, pose, height, radius):

Add a cylinder to the planning scene

def add_mesh(self, name, pose, filename, size=(1, 1, 1)):

Add a mesh to the planning scene

def add_object(self, collision_object):

Add an object to the planning scene

def add_plane(self, name, pose, normal=(0, 0, 1), offset=0):

Add a plane to the planning scene

def add_sphere(self, name, pose, radius=1):

Add a sphere to the planning scene

def apply_planning_scene(self, planning_scene_message):

Applies the planning scene message.

def attach_box(self, link, name, pose=None, size=(1, 1, 1), touch_links=[]):


def attach_mesh(self, link, name, pose=None, filename='', size=(1, 1, 1), touch_links=[]):


def attach_object(self, attached_collision_object):

Attach an object in the planning scene

def clear(self):

Remove all objects from the planning scene

def get_attached_objects(self, object_ids=[]):

Get the attached objects identified by the given object ids list. If no ids are provided, return all the attached objects.

def get_known_object_names(self, with_type=False):

Get the names of all known objects in the world. If with_type is set to true, only return objects that have a known type.

def get_known_object_names_in_roi(self, minx, miny, minz, maxx, maxy, maxz, with_type=False):

Get the names of known objects in the world that are located within a bounding region (specified in the frame reported by get_planning_frame()). If with_type is set to true, only return objects that have a known type.

def get_object_poses(self, object_ids):

Get the poses from the objects identified by the given object ids list.

def get_objects(self, object_ids=[]):

Get the objects identified by the given object ids list. If no ids are provided, return all the known objects.

def remove_attached_object(self, link=None, name=None):

Remove an attached object from the robot, or all objects attached to the link if no name is provided, or all attached objects in the scene if neither link nor name are provided.

Removed attached objects remain in the scene as world objects. Call remove_world_object afterwards to remove them from the scene.

def remove_world_object(self, name=None):

Remove an object from planning scene, or all if no name is provided

def __make_box(name, pose, size):


def __make_cone(name, pose, height, radius):


def __make_cylinder(name, pose, height, radius):


def __make_existing(name):

Create an empty Collision Object. Used when the object already exists

def __make_mesh(name, pose, filename, scale=(1, 1, 1)):


def __make_planning_scene_diff_req(collision_object, attach=False):


def __make_primitive(name, pose, type, shape_args):


def __make_sphere(name, pose, radius):


def __submit(self, collision_object, attach=False):


__synchronous =


_apply_planning_scene_diff =


_psi =
