class documentation

class LedUserRequest(genpy.Message):

Constructor: LedUserRequest(*args, **kwds)

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Method __init__ Constructor. Any message fields that are implicitly/explicitly set to None will be assigned a default value. The recommend use is keyword arguments as this is more robust to future message changes. You cannot mix in-order arguments and keyword arguments.
Method deserialize unpack serialized message in str into this message instance :param str: byte array of serialized message, str
Method deserialize_numpy unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types :param str: byte array of serialized message, str :param numpy: numpy python module
Method serialize serialize message into buffer :param buff: buffer, StringIO
Method serialize_numpy serialize message with numpy array types into buffer :param buff: buffer, StringIO :param numpy: numpy python module
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Instance Variable animation_mode Undocumented
Instance Variable colors Undocumented
Instance Variable iterations Undocumented
Instance Variable period Undocumented
Instance Variable wait_end Undocumented
Method _get_types internal API method
Class Variable _full_text Undocumented
Class Variable _has_header Undocumented
Class Variable _md5sum Undocumented
Class Variable _slot_types Undocumented
Class Variable _type Undocumented
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):

Constructor. Any message fields that are implicitly/explicitly set to None will be assigned a default value. The recommend use is keyword arguments as this is more robust to future message changes. You cannot mix in-order arguments and keyword arguments.

The available fields are:

to set specific fields.

*argscomplete set of field values, in .msg order
**kwdsuse keyword arguments corresponding to message field names
def deserialize(self, str):

unpack serialized message in str into this message instance :param str: byte array of serialized message, str

def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):

unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types :param str: byte array of serialized message, str :param numpy: numpy python module

def serialize(self, buff):

serialize message into buffer :param buff: buffer, StringIO

def serialize_numpy(self, buff, numpy):

serialize message with numpy array types into buffer :param buff: buffer, StringIO :param numpy: numpy python module

__slots__: list[str] =


animation_mode =


colors: list =


iterations: int =


period: float =


wait_end =


def _get_types(self):

internal API method

_full_text: str =


_has_header: bool =


_md5sum: str =


_slot_types: list[str] =


_type: str =
