class documentation


Method read Read file
Method _write Undocumented

Inherited from FileManager:

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method check_exist Undocumented
Method exists Check if a file with a certain name exists
Method get_all_names Get all filenames available in storage
Method get_all_names_w_description Get all filenames available in storage + their descriptions
Method read_description Undocumented
Method remove Remove file
Class Variable object_type Undocumented
Method _filename_from_name Undocumented
Method _name_from_filename Undocumented
Method _path_from_name Undocumented
Instance Variable _base_dir Undocumented
Instance Variable _extension Undocumented
Instance Variable _protected_names Undocumented
Instance Variable _suffix Undocumented
def read(self, name):

Read file

name:strfile name
object_typeAn object corresponding to object_type
Unknown exceptionNiryoRobotFileException: if any error
def _write(self, name, object_):