class documentation
class PosesTransformHandler:
Constructor: PosesTransformHandler(grip_manager, pose_handler_node)
This class uses a tfBuffer to handle transforms related to the vision kit.
Static Method | transform |
Creates a new stamped transform from translation and euler-orientation |
Method | __del__ |
Undocumented |
Method | __init__ |
Undocumented |
Method | disable |
Stop publishing debug inforation |
Method | enable |
Start publishing debug information on /tf and /visualization_marker for debugging using rviz. This will happen in a separate thread. |
Method | get |
Retrieves the position of the calibration tip from a given robot pose. |
Method | get |
Reads the transform base_link -> tool_link_target from local tfBuffer |
Method | get |
Reads the transform base_link -> object_base from local tfBuffer |
Method | get |
Reads the transform base_link -> object_base from local tfBuffer |
Method | set |
Updates the transform object_base -> tool_link_target in local tfBuffer :param grip: |
Method | set |
Updates the transform base_link -> object_base in local tfBuffer |
Method | __debug |
Debug loop that will run in a separate thread. (tfBuffer should be threadsafe) |
Instance Variable | __debug |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | __debug |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | __debug |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | __grip |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | __pose |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | __tf |
Undocumented |
def transform_from_euler(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, header_frame_id, child_frame_id): ¶
def transform_from_euler(x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw, header_frame_id, child_frame_id): ¶
Creates a new stamped transform from translation and euler-orientation
Parameters | |
x | x translation |
y | y translation |
z | z translation |
roll | orientation roll |
pitch | orientation pitch |
yaw | orientation yaw |
header | transform from this frame |
child | transform to this frame |
Returns | |
transform |
Start publishing debug information on /tf and /visualization_marker for debugging using rviz. This will happen in a separate thread.
Retrieves the position of the calibration tip from a given robot pose.
Parameters | |
robot | pose of the robot's tool_link |
Returns | |
xyz position of calibration tip in robot coordinates |
Reads the transform base_link -> tool_link_target from local tfBuffer
Returns | |
transform base_link -> tool_link_target |
Reads the transform base_link -> object_base from local tfBuffer
Returns | |
transform base_link -> object_base |
def get_object_transform(self, x_off=0.0, y_off=0.0, z_off=0.0, roll_off=0.0, pitch_off=1.5708, yaw_off=0.0):
Reads the transform base_link -> object_base from local tfBuffer
Returns | |
transform base_link -> object_base |
Updates the transform base_link -> object_base in local tfBuffer
Parameters | |
workspace | reference workspace object |
x | object base x position relative to workspace |
y | object base y position relative to workspace |
yaw | object base rotation on z relative to workspace |
yaw | Avoid over rotation |