class documentation

class EdgeList(object):

View In Hierarchy

Data structure for storing Edge instances

Method __contains__ @return: True if edge is in edge list @rtype: bool
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method __iter__ Undocumented
Method add Add an edge to our internal representation. not multi-thread safe @param edge: edge to add @type edge: Edge
Method add_edges Create Edge instances for args and add resulting edges to edge list. Convenience method to avoid repetitve logging, etc... @param edge_list: data structure to add edge to @type edge_list: EdgeList @param start: name of start node...
Method delete Undocumented
Method delete_all Delete all edges that start or end at node @param node: name of node @type node: str
Method has Undocumented
Class Variable __slots__ Undocumented
Instance Variable edges_by_end Undocumented
Instance Variable edges_by_start Undocumented
def __contains__(self, edge):

@return: True if edge is in edge list @rtype: bool

def __init__(self):


def __iter__(self):


def add(self, edge):

Add an edge to our internal representation. not multi-thread safe @param edge: edge to add @type edge: Edge

def add_edges(self, start, dest, direction, label=''):

Create Edge instances for args and add resulting edges to edge list. Convenience method to avoid repetitve logging, etc... @param edge_list: data structure to add edge to @type edge_list: EdgeList @param start: name of start node. If None, warning will be logged and add fails @type start: str @param dest: name of start node. If None, warning will be logged and add fails @type dest: str @param direction: direction string (i/o/b) @type direction: str @return: True if update occurred @rtype: bool

def delete(self, edge):


def delete_all(self, node):

Delete all edges that start or end at node @param node: name of node @type node: str

def has(self, edge):


__slots__: list[str] =


edges_by_end: dict =


edges_by_start: dict =
