class documentation

class Warnings:

Constructor: Warnings(console_output)

View In Hierarchy

Extract warnings from GCC's output

Analyzes compiler output and classifies warnings.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method analyze Get dictionary of classified warnings.
Method byType Extract warning messages corresponding to warntype. The warntypes can be all keys of the _warning_pattern_map dictionary. @param warntype: The type of warning message that should be extracted. @type warntype: str @return a list of warning messages @rtype list...
Instance Variable warning_lines Undocumented
Class Variable _warning_pattern_map Undocumented
def __init__(self, console_output):


def analyze(self):

Get dictionary of classified warnings.

@return A dictionary of lists of warning messages indexed by the warning type @rtype {str:[str]}

def byType(self, warntype):

Extract warning messages corresponding to warntype. The warntypes can be all keys of the _warning_pattern_map dictionary. @param warntype: The type of warning message that should be extracted. @type warntype: str @return a list of warning messages @rtype list

warning_lines =


_warning_pattern_map: dict[str, str] =
