module documentation


Class BuildQueue This class provides a thread safe build queue. Which will do the sequencing for many CompileThreads.
Class CompileThread This is the class which is used as the thread for parallel builds. This class will query the build queue object for new commands and block on its calls until the build queue says that building is done.
Class DependencyTracker Track dependencies between packages. This is basically a caching way to call rospkg. It also will allow you to specify a range of packages over which to track dependencies. This is useful if you are only building a subset of the tree...
Function num_cpus Detects the number of CPUs on a system. Cribbed from pp.
Variable python3 Undocumented
Function _read_stdout Undocumented
def num_cpus():

Detects the number of CPUs on a system. Cribbed from pp.

python3: bool =


def _read_stdout(cmd):
