class documentation

class ThreadPoolThread(threading.Thread):

Constructor: ThreadPoolThread(pool)

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Pooled thread class.

Method __init__ Initialize the thread and remember the pool.
Method go_away Exit the run loop next time through.
Method run Until told to quit, retrieve the next task and execute it, calling the callback if any.
Class Variable threadSleepTime Undocumented
Instance Variable daemon Undocumented
Instance Variable __isDying Undocumented
Instance Variable __pool Undocumented
def __init__(self, pool):

Initialize the thread and remember the pool.

def go_away(self):

Exit the run loop next time through.

def run(self):

Until told to quit, retrieve the next task and execute it, calling the callback if any.

threadSleepTime: float =


daemon: bool =


__isDying: bool =


__pool =
