class documentation

class BufferInterface:

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Abstract interface for wrapping the Python bindings for the tf2 library in a ROS-based convenience API. Implementations include tf2_ros.buffer.Buffer and tf2_ros.buffer_client.BufferClient.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method can_transform Check if a transform from the source frame to the target frame is possible.
Method can_transform_full Check if a transform from the source frame to the target frame is possible (advanced API).
Method lookup_transform Get the transform from the source frame to the target frame.
Method lookup_transform_full Get the transform from the source frame to the target frame using the advanced API.
Method transform Transform an input into the target frame.
Method transform_full Transform an input into the target frame (advanced API).
Instance Variable registration Undocumented
def __init__(self):


def can_transform(self, target_frame, source_frame, time, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.0)):

Check if a transform from the source frame to the target frame is possible.

Must be implemented by a subclass of BufferInterface.

target_frameName of the frame to transform into.
source_frameName of the input frame.
timeThe time at which to get the transform. (0 will get the latest)
timeout(Optional) Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
boolTrue if the transform is possible, false otherwise.
def can_transform_full(self, target_frame, target_time, source_frame, source_time, fixed_frame, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.0)):

Check if a transform from the source frame to the target frame is possible (advanced API).

Must be implemented by a subclass of BufferInterface.

target_frameName of the frame to transform into.
target_timeThe time to transform to. (0 will get the latest)
source_frameName of the input frame.
source_timeThe time at which source_frame will be evaluated. (0 will get the latest)
fixed_frameName of the frame to consider constant in time.
timeout(Optional) Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
boolTrue if the transform is possible, false otherwise.
def lookup_transform(self, target_frame, source_frame, time, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.0)):

Get the transform from the source frame to the target frame.

Must be implemented by a subclass of BufferInterface.

target_frameName of the frame to transform into.
source_frameName of the input frame.
timeThe time at which to get the transform. (0 will get the latest)
timeout(Optional) Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStampedThe transform between the frames.
def lookup_transform_full(self, target_frame, target_time, source_frame, source_time, fixed_frame, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.0)):

Get the transform from the source frame to the target frame using the advanced API.

Must be implemented by a subclass of BufferInterface.

target_frameName of the frame to transform into.
target_timeThe time to transform to. (0 will get the latest)
source_frameName of the input frame.
source_timeThe time at which source_frame will be evaluated. (0 will get the latest)
fixed_frameName of the frame to consider constant in time.
timeout(Optional) Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStampedThe transform between the frames.
def transform(self, object_stamped, target_frame, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.0), new_type=None):

Transform an input into the target frame.

The input must be a known transformable type (by way of the tf2 data type conversion interface).

If new_type is not None, the type specified must have a valid conversion from the input type, else the function will raise an exception.

object_stampedThe timestamped object the transform.
target_frameName of the frame to transform the input into.
timeout(Optional) Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
new_type(Optional) Type to convert the object to.
The transformed, timestamped output, possibly converted to a new type.
def transform_full(self, object_stamped, target_frame, target_time, fixed_frame, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.0), new_type=None):

Transform an input into the target frame (advanced API).

The input must be a known transformable type (by way of the tf2 data type conversion interface).

If new_type is not None, the type specified must have a valid conversion from the input type, else the function will raise an exception.

This function follows the advanced API, which allows tranforming between different time points, as well as specifying a frame to be considered fixed in time.

object_stampedThe timestamped object the transform.
target_frameName of the frame to transform the input into.
target_timeTime to transform the input into.
fixed_frameName of the frame to consider constant in time.
timeout(Optional) Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
new_type(Optional) Type to convert the object to.
The transformed, timestamped output, possibly converted to a new type.
registration =
