class documentation

class Logger:

Constructor: Logger(topic)

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Method __call__ If logger is called like a function, just print an info
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method debug Log an debug information
Method err Log an error
Method info Log an information
Method input Get an input line 'no_block' to wait for line to be finished or not
Method warn Log an warning
Class Variable input_prompt Undocumented
Class Variable log_prompt Undocumented
Instance Variable topic Undocumented
Method _format_log_prompt Undocumented
def __call__(self, text: str = '', *args: tuple):

If logger is called like a function, just print an info

def __init__(self, topic: str):


def debug(self, text: str = '', *args: tuple):

Log an debug information

def err(self, text: typing.Union[str, BaseException], *args: tuple, no_stacktrace: bool = False):

Log an error

def info(self, text: str = '', *args: tuple):

Log an information

def input(self, prompt: str = '', no_block: bool = False) -> str:

Get an input line 'no_block' to wait for line to be finished or not

def warn(self, text: str = '', *args: tuple):

Log an warning

input_prompt: str =


log_prompt: str =


topic =


def _format_log_prompt(self) -> str:
