- Undocumentedcalibration
- No module docstring; 1/2 function documentedmain
- Undocumentedmodbus
- No package docstring; 3/3 modules documentedholding_register
- Re-implementation of niryo_robot_modbus.holding_register_data_block, for own useinput_register
- Re-implementation of niryo_robot_modbus.input_register_data_block, for own useserver
- Re-implementation of niryo_robot_modbus.modbus_server, for own usetrajectory
- Undocumentedutil
- No package docstring; 10/11 modules, 0/1 package documentedbuttons
- Undocumentedfree_motion_button
- Undocumentedsave_button
- Undocumentedcli
- Command line parser for projectcolors
- Library to easily normalise colors into RGB listcommands
- Commands for the shellerrors
- All errors classes herelock
- Simple lock file librarylogger
- Little library to log things easily with topics, colors, error wrapping, etc. With writing of logs into files and many others features.rospy_logger
- Undocumentedshell
- Wrapper to execute commandsstrings
- String utilitiestests
- Test type of thingsvars
- Global variables