class documentation

class ControllerLister:

Constructor: ControllerLister(namespace)

View In Hierarchy

Convenience functor for querying loaded controller data.

The output of calling this functor can be used as input to the different controller filtering functions available in this module.

Example usage. Get I{running} controllers of type C{bar_base/bar}:
>>> list_controllers = ControllerLister('foo_robot/controller_manager')
>>> all_ctrl = list_controllers()
>>> running_ctrl = filter_by_state(all_ctrl, 'running')
>>> running_bar_ctrl = filter_by_type(running_ctrl, 'bar_base/bar')
Method __call__ Undocumented
Method __init__ @param namespace Namespace of controller manager to monitor. @type namespace str
Method _make_srv Undocumented
Instance Variable _srv Undocumented
Instance Variable _srv_name Undocumented
def __call__(self):


def __init__(self, namespace='/controller_manager'):

@param namespace Namespace of controller manager to monitor. @type namespace str

def _make_srv(self):


_srv =


_srv_name =
