class documentation

class Joint(object):

Constructor: RobotCommander.Joint(robot, name)

View In Hierarchy


Method __init__ Undocumented
Method bounds a set of those lists, depending on the number of variables available in this joint.
Method max_bound a set of max values, depending on the number of variables available in this joint.
Method min_bound a set of min values, depending on the number of variables available in this joint.
Method move @param position [float]: List of joint angles to achieve. @param wait bool: If false, the commands gets operated asynchronously.
Method name Undocumented
Method value @rtype float
Method variable_count methods returns.
Method __get_joint_limits limits of the specified joint.
Instance Variable _name Undocumented
Instance Variable _robot Undocumented
def __init__(self, robot, name):


def bounds(self):

@return: Either a single list of min and max joint limits, or
a set of those lists, depending on the number of variables available in this joint.

def max_bound(self):

@return: Either a single max joint limit value, or
a set of max values, depending on the number of variables available in this joint.

def min_bound(self):

@return: Either a single min joint limit value, or
a set of min values, depending on the number of variables available in this joint.

def move(self, position, wait=True):

@param position [float]: List of joint angles to achieve. @param wait bool: If false, the commands gets operated asynchronously.

def name(self):


def value(self):

@rtype float

(Editor's comment by @130s) I doubt there's a case where this method goes into "else" block, because get_current_joint_values always return a single list.

cf. getCurrentJointValues

def variable_count(self):

@return number of the list that _Joint__get_joint_limits
methods returns.
for more about variable.

def __get_joint_limits(self):

@return: A list of length of 2 that contains max and min positional
limits of the specified joint.

_name =


_robot =
