class documentation

class RobotCommander(object):

Constructor: RobotCommander(robot_description, ns)

View In Hierarchy


Class Joint No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 7/9 methods documented
Class Link No class docstring; 0/2 instance variable, 1/3 method documented
Method __getattr__ We catch the names of groups, joints and links to allow easy access to their properties.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method get_active_joint_names Get the names of all the movable joints that make up a group. If no group name is specified, all joints in the robot model are returned. Excludes fixed and mimic joints.
Method get_current_state Get a RobotState message describing the current state of the robot
Method get_current_variable_values Get a dictionary mapping variable names to values. Note that a joint may consist of one or more variables.
Method get_default_owner_group Get the name of the smallest group (fewest joints) that includes the joint name specified as argument.
Method get_group @param name str: Name of movegroup @rtype: moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander
Method get_group_names Get the names of the groups defined for the robot
Method get_joint @param name str: Name of movegroup @rtype: moveit_commander.robot.Joint @raise exception: MoveItCommanderException
Method get_joint_names Get the names of all the movable joints that make up a group. If no group name is specified, all joints in the robot model are returned. Includes fixed and mimic joints.
Method get_link @param name str: Name of movegroup @rtype: moveit_commander.robot.Link @raise exception: MoveItCommanderException
Method get_link_names Get the links that make up a group. If no group name is specified, all the links in the robot model are returned.
Method get_planning_frame Get the frame of reference in which planning is done (and environment is maintained)
Method get_robot_markers Get a MarkerArray of the markers that make up this robot
Method get_root_link Get the name of the root link of the robot model
Method has_group @param name str: Name of movegroup @rtype: bool
Instance Variable _groups Undocumented
Instance Variable _joint_owner_groups Undocumented
Instance Variable _ns Undocumented
Instance Variable _r Undocumented
Instance Variable _robot_description Undocumented
def __getattr__(self, name):

We catch the names of groups, joints and links to allow easy access to their properties.

def __init__(self, robot_description='robot_description', ns=''):


def get_active_joint_names(self, group=None):

Get the names of all the movable joints that make up a group. If no group name is specified, all joints in the robot model are returned. Excludes fixed and mimic joints.

def get_current_state(self):

Get a RobotState message describing the current state of the robot

def get_current_variable_values(self):

Get a dictionary mapping variable names to values. Note that a joint may consist of one or more variables.

def get_default_owner_group(self, joint_name):

Get the name of the smallest group (fewest joints) that includes the joint name specified as argument.

def get_group(self, name):

@param name str: Name of movegroup @rtype: moveit_commander.MoveGroupCommander

def get_group_names(self):

Get the names of the groups defined for the robot

def get_joint(self, name):

@param name str: Name of movegroup @rtype: moveit_commander.robot.Joint @raise exception: MoveItCommanderException

def get_joint_names(self, group=None):

Get the names of all the movable joints that make up a group. If no group name is specified, all joints in the robot model are returned. Includes fixed and mimic joints.

def get_link(self, name):

@param name str: Name of movegroup @rtype: moveit_commander.robot.Link @raise exception: MoveItCommanderException

def get_link_names(self, group=None):

Get the links that make up a group. If no group name is specified, all the links in the robot model are returned.

def get_planning_frame(self):

Get the frame of reference in which planning is done (and environment is maintained)

def get_robot_markers(self, *args):

Get a MarkerArray of the markers that make up this robot

(): get's all markers for current state state (RobotState): gets markers for a particular state values (dict): get markers with given values values, links (dict, list): get markers with given values and these links group (string): get all markers for a group group, values (string, dict): get all markers for a group with desired values
def get_root_link(self):

Get the name of the root link of the robot model

def has_group(self, name):

@param name str: Name of movegroup @rtype: bool

_groups: dict =


_joint_owner_groups: dict =


_ns =


_r =


_robot_description =
