module documentation
Class |
Undocumented |
Class |
Undocumented |
Function | complicated |
Undocumented |
Function | draw |
Undocumented |
Function | extract |
Extract working area from an image thanks to 4 Niryo's markers :param img: OpenCV image which contain 4 Niryo's markers :param workspace_ratio: Ratio between the width and the height of the area represented by the markers :return: extracted and warped working area image... |
Function | extract |
Extract an small image from a big one using a Perspective Warp :param img: Big image from which the small one will be extracted :param list_corners: corners list of the small image :param ratio_w_h: Width over Height ratio of the area... |
Function | find |
Undocumented |
Function | sort |
Undocumented |
Constant | IM |
Undocumented |
Extract working area from an image thanks to 4 Niryo's markers :param img: OpenCV image which contain 4 Niryo's markers :param workspace_ratio: Ratio between the width and the height of the area represented by the markers :return: extracted and warped working area image
Extract an small image from a big one using a Perspective Warp :param img: Big image from which the small one will be extracted :param list_corners: corners list of the small image :param ratio_w_h: Width over Height ratio of the area. It helps to not stretch the working area image :return: extracted and warped image
def find_markers_from_img_thresh(img_thresh, max_dist_between_centers=3, min_radius_circle=4, max_radius_circle=35, min_radius_marker=7):