module documentation


Function create_clear_all_marker Create marker for clearing all
Function create_clear_marker Create marker for clearing
Function create_marker_rviz Create marker for the workspace
Function create_text_marker Create text marker
Function create_workspace Create workspace plane
Function get_pose Transform the pose in the workspace to the world pose
Function publish_object_rviz Create and publish object and marker object
def create_clear_all_marker(time):

Create marker for clearing all

timetime ros
def create_clear_marker(id_marker, time):

Create marker for clearing

id_markerid of the marker
timetime ros
def create_marker_rviz(position, orientation, id_marker, time):

Create marker for the workspace

positionposition of the marker
orientationorientation of the marker
id_markerid of the marker
timetime ros
def create_text_marker(id_text, text, time, position, orientation, size):

Create text marker

id_textid of the marker
texttext in the marker
timetime ros
positionposition of the marker
orientationorientation of the marker
sizesize of the text
def create_workspace(id_workspace, time, position, orientation, x_size, y_size, z_size):

Create workspace plane

id_workspaceid of the marker
timetime ros
positionposition of the marker
orientationorientation of the marker
x_sizesize in x of the object
y_sizesize in y of the object
z_sizesize in z of the object
def get_pose(workspace, x_rel, y_rel, yaw_rel, yaw_center=None):

Transform the pose in the workspace to the world pose

workspacedict of the workspace which contains name, matrix, ratio
x_relobject base x position relative to workspace
y_relobject base y position relative to workspace
yaw_relobject base rotation on z relative to workspace
yaw_centerAvoid over rotation
def publish_object_rviz(position, orientation, size, type_marker, color, id_marker, publisher, time, duration):

Create and publish object and marker object

positionposition of the marker
orientationorientation of the marker
sizesize of the object
type_markertype of the object(cylinder or square)
colorcolor of the object
id_markerid of the marker
publisherros publisher
timetime ros
durationtime to live