class documentation


Method __init__ Create a service caller for the specified service. Use start() to start in a separate thread or run() to run in this thread.
Method run Undocumented
Instance Variable args Undocumented
Instance Variable daemon Undocumented
Instance Variable error Undocumented
Instance Variable service Undocumented
Instance Variable success Undocumented
def __init__(self, service, args, success_callback, error_callback):

Create a service caller for the specified service. Use start() to start in a separate thread or run() to run in this thread.

Keyword arguments: service -- the name of the service to call args -- arguments to pass to the service. Can be an ordered list, or a dict of name-value pairs. Anything else will be treated as though no arguments were provided (which is still valid for some kinds of service) success_callback -- a callback to call with the JSON result of the service call error_callback -- a callback to call if an error occurs. The callback will be passed the exception that caused the failure

def run(self):


args =


daemon: bool =


error =


service =


success =
