class documentation

class ROSLaunchConfig(object):

Constructor: ROSLaunchConfig()

View In Hierarchy

ROSLaunchConfig is the container for the loaded roslaunch file state. It also is responsible for validating then executing the desired state.

Method __init__ Initialize an empty config object. Master defaults to the environment's master.
Method add_clear_param Declare a parameter to be cleared before new parameters are set @param param: parameter to clear @type param: str
Method add_config_error Report human-readable error message related to configuration error @param msg: error message @type msg: str
Method add_executable Declare an executable to be run during the launch @param exe: Executable @type exe: L{Executable} @raises ValueError
Method add_machine Declare a machine and associated parameters so that it can be used for running nodes. @param m: machine instance @type m: L{Machine} @return: True if new machine added, False if machine already specified...
Method add_node Add node declaration @param node: node instance to add to launch @type node: L{Node} @param core: if True, node is a ROS core node @type core: bool @raises RLException: if ROS core node is missing required name...
Method add_param Declare a parameter to be set on the param server before launching nodes @param p: parameter instance @type p: L{Param}
Method add_roslaunch_file Add metadata about file used to create config
Method add_test Add test declaration. Used by rostest @param test: test node instance to add to launch @type test: L{Test}
Method assign_machines Assign nodes to machines and determine whether or not there are any remote machines
Method has_remote_nodes @return: True if roslaunch will launch nodes on a remote machine @rtype: bool @raises: RLException
Method set_master Set the master configuration @param m: Master @type m: L{Master}
Method summary Get a human-readable string summary of the launch @param local bool: if True, only print local nodes @return: summary @rtype: str
Instance Variable clear_params Undocumented
Instance Variable config_errors Undocumented
Instance Variable executables Undocumented
Instance Variable logger Undocumented
Instance Variable machines Undocumented
Instance Variable master Undocumented
Instance Variable nodes Undocumented
Instance Variable nodes_core Undocumented
Instance Variable params Undocumented
Instance Variable resolved_node_names Undocumented
Instance Variable roslaunch_files Undocumented
Instance Variable tests Undocumented
Method _select_machine Select a machine for a node to run on. For nodes that are already assigned to a machine, this will map the string name to a L{Machine} instance. If the node isn't already tagged with a particular machine, one will be selected for it...
Instance Variable _assign_machines_complete Undocumented
Instance Variable _remote_nodes_present Undocumented
def __init__(self):

Initialize an empty config object. Master defaults to the environment's master.

def add_clear_param(self, param):

Declare a parameter to be cleared before new parameters are set @param param: parameter to clear @type param: str

def add_config_error(self, msg):

Report human-readable error message related to configuration error @param msg: error message @type msg: str

def add_executable(self, exe):

Declare an executable to be run during the launch @param exe: Executable @type exe: L{Executable} @raises ValueError

def add_machine(self, m, verbose=True):

Declare a machine and associated parameters so that it can be used for running nodes. @param m: machine instance @type m: L{Machine} @return: True if new machine added, False if machine already specified. @rtype: bool @raises RLException: if cannot add machine as specified

def add_node(self, node, core=False, verbose=True):

Add node declaration @param node: node instance to add to launch @type node: L{Node} @param core: if True, node is a ROS core node @type core: bool @raises RLException: if ROS core node is missing required name

def add_param(self, p, filename=None, verbose=True):

Declare a parameter to be set on the param server before launching nodes @param p: parameter instance @type p: L{Param}

def add_roslaunch_file(self, f):

Add metadata about file used to create config

def add_test(self, test, verbose=True):

Add test declaration. Used by rostest @param test: test node instance to add to launch @type test: L{Test}

def assign_machines(self):

Assign nodes to machines and determine whether or not there are any remote machines

def has_remote_nodes(self):

@return: True if roslaunch will launch nodes on a remote machine @rtype: bool @raises: RLException

def set_master(self, m):

Set the master configuration @param m: Master @type m: L{Master}

def summary(self, local=False):

Get a human-readable string summary of the launch @param local bool: if True, only print local nodes @return: summary @rtype: str

clear_params: list =


config_errors: list =


executables: list =


logger =


machines: dict =


master =


nodes: list =


nodes_core: list =


params: dict =


resolved_node_names: list =


roslaunch_files: list =


tests: list =


def _select_machine(self, node):

Select a machine for a node to run on. For nodes that are already assigned to a machine, this will map the string name to a L{Machine} instance. If the node isn't already tagged with a particular machine, one will be selected for it. @param node: node to assign machine for @type node: L{Node} @return: machine to run on @rtype: L{Machine} @raises RLException: If machine state is improperly configured

_assign_machines_complete: bool =


_remote_nodes_present: bool =
