class documentation

class LocalProcess(Process):

Constructor: LocalProcess(run_id, package, name, args, ...)

View In Hierarchy

Process launched on local machine

Method __init__ generate log directory location. run_id may be None if this feature is not being used.
Method get_exit_description @return: human-readable description of exit state @rtype: str
Method get_info Get all data about this process in dictionary form
Method is_alive @return: True if process is still running @rtype: bool
Method start Start the process.
Method stop Stop the process. Record any significant error messages in the errors parameter
Instance Variable args Undocumented
Instance Variable cwd Undocumented
Instance Variable exit_code Undocumented
Instance Variable is_node Undocumented
Instance Variable log_dir Undocumented
Instance Variable log_output Undocumented
Instance Variable pid Undocumented
Instance Variable popen Undocumented
Instance Variable run_id Undocumented
Instance Variable sigint_timeout Undocumented
Instance Variable sigterm_timeout Undocumented
Instance Variable started Undocumented
Instance Variable stopped Undocumented
Instance Variable time_of_death Undocumented
Method _configure_logging Configure logging of node's log file and stdout/stderr @return: stdout log file name, stderr log file name. Values are None if stdout/stderr are not logged. @rtype: str, str
Method _log_name Undocumented
Method _stop_unix UNIX implementation of process killing
Method _stop_win32 Win32 implementation of process killing. In part, refer to
def __init__(self, run_id, package, name, args, env, log_output, respawn=False, respawn_delay=0.0, required=False, cwd=None, is_node=True, sigint_timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SIGINT, sigterm_timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SIGTERM):

@param run_id: unique run ID for this roslaunch. Used to
generate log directory location. run_id may be None if this feature is not being used.

@type run_id: str @param package: name of package process is part of @type package: str @param name: name of process @type name: str @param args: list of arguments to process @type args: [str] @param env: environment dictionary for process @type env: {str : str} @param log_output: if True, log output streams of process @type log_output: bool @param respawn: respawn process if it dies (default is False) @type respawn: bool @param respawn_delay: respawn process after a delay @type respawn_delay: float @param cwd: working directory of process, or None @type cwd: str @param is_node: (optional) if True, process is ROS node and accepts ROS node command-line arguments. Default: True @type is_node: False @param sigint_timeout: The SIGINT timeout used when killing nodes (in seconds). @type sigint_timeout: float @param sigterm_timeout: The SIGTERM timeout used when killing nodes if SIGINT does not stop the node (in seconds). @type sigterm_timeout: float @raise RLException: If sigint_timeout or sigterm_timeout are nonpositive.

def get_exit_description(self):

@return: human-readable description of exit state @rtype: str

def get_info(self):

Get all data about this process in dictionary form

def is_alive(self):

@return: True if process is still running @rtype: bool

def start(self):

Start the process.

@raise FatalProcessLaunch: if process cannot be started and it is not likely to ever succeed

def stop(self, errors=None):

Stop the process. Record any significant error messages in the errors parameter

@param errors: error messages. stop() will record messages into this list. @type errors: [str]

args =


cwd =


exit_code =


is_node =


log_dir =


log_output =


pid =


popen =


run_id =


sigint_timeout =


sigterm_timeout =


started: bool =


stopped: bool =


time_of_death =


def _configure_logging(self):

Configure logging of node's log file and stdout/stderr @return: stdout log file name, stderr log file name. Values are None if stdout/stderr are not logged. @rtype: str, str

def _log_name(self):


def _stop_unix(self, errors):

UNIX implementation of process killing

@param errors: error messages. stop() will record messages into this list. @type errors: [str]

def _stop_win32(self, errors):

Win32 implementation of process killing. In part, refer to

Note that it doesn't work as completely as _stop_unix as it can't utilise group id's. This means that any program which forks children underneath it won't get caught by this kill mechanism.

@param errors: error messages. stop() will record messages into this list. @type errors: [str]