class documentation

class ROSLaunch(object):

Constructor: ROSLaunch()

View In Hierarchy

ROSLaunchParent represents the main 'parent' roslaunch process. It is responsible for loading the launch files, assigning machines, and then starting up any remote processes. The __main__ method delegates most of runtime to ROSLaunchParent.

This must be called from the Python Main thread due to signal registration.

Method __init__ @raise RLException: if fails to initialize
Method launch Launch a roslaunch node instance
Method load Load roslaunch file
Method load_str Load roslaunch string
Method spin Undocumented
Method spin_once Undocumented
Method start Start roslaunch. This will launch any pre-configured launches and spin up the process monitor thread.
Method stop Undocumented
Instance Variable parent Undocumented
Instance Variable started Undocumented
def __init__(self):

@raise RLException: if fails to initialize

def launch(self, node):

Launch a roslaunch node instance

@param node: roslaunch Node instance @type node: roslaunch.Node @return: node process @rtype: roslaunch.Process @raise RLException: if launch fails

def load(self, f):

Load roslaunch file

@param f: filename @type f: str

def load_str(self, s):

Load roslaunch string

@param s: string representation of roslaunch config @type s: str

def spin(self):


def spin_once(self):


def start(self):

Start roslaunch. This will launch any pre-configured launches and spin up the process monitor thread.

def stop(self):


parent =


started: bool =
