class documentation

Collect the results of the checks.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method error Report an error, according to options.
Method get_count Return the total count of errors and warnings.
Method get_file_results Return the count of errors and warnings for this file.
Method get_statistics Get statistics for message codes that start with the prefix.
Method increment_logical_line Signal a new logical line.
Method init_file Signal a new file.
Method print_benchmark Print benchmark numbers.
Method print_statistics Print overall statistics (number of errors and warnings).
Method start Start the timer.
Method stop Stop the timer.
Class Variable print_filename Undocumented
Instance Variable counters Undocumented
Instance Variable elapsed Undocumented
Instance Variable expected Undocumented
Instance Variable file_errors Undocumented
Instance Variable filename Undocumented
Instance Variable line_offset Undocumented
Instance Variable lines Undocumented
Instance Variable messages Undocumented
Instance Variable total_errors Undocumented
Instance Variable _benchmark_keys Undocumented
Instance Variable _ignore_code Undocumented
Instance Variable _start_time Undocumented
def __init__(self, options):
def error(self, line_number, offset, text, check):

Report an error, according to options.

def get_count(self, prefix=''):

Return the total count of errors and warnings.

def get_file_results(self):

Return the count of errors and warnings for this file.

def get_statistics(self, prefix=''):

Get statistics for message codes that start with the prefix.

prefix='' matches all errors and warnings prefix='E' matches all errors prefix='W' matches all warnings prefix='E4' matches all errors that have to do with imports

def increment_logical_line(self):

Signal a new logical line.

def init_file(self, filename, lines, expected, line_offset):

Signal a new file.

def print_benchmark(self):

Print benchmark numbers.

def print_statistics(self, prefix=''):

Print overall statistics (number of errors and warnings).

def start(self):

Start the timer.

def stop(self):

Stop the timer.

print_filename: bool =
counters =


elapsed =


expected =


file_errors: int =


filename =


line_offset =


lines =


messages: dict =


total_errors: int =


_benchmark_keys =


_ignore_code =


_start_time =
