class documentation

class StyleGuide(object):

Constructor: StyleGuide(*args, **kwargs)

View In Hierarchy

Initialize a PEP-8 instance with few options.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method check_files Run all checks on the paths.
Method excluded Check if the file should be excluded.
Method get_checks Get all the checks for this category.
Method ignore_code Check if the error code should be ignored.
Method init_report Initialize the report instance.
Method input_dir Check all files in this directory and all subdirectories.
Method input_file Run all checks on a Python source file.
Instance Variable checker_class Undocumented
Instance Variable options Undocumented
Instance Variable paths Undocumented
Instance Variable runner Undocumented
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):


def check_files(self, paths=None):

Run all checks on the paths.

def excluded(self, filename, parent=None):

Check if the file should be excluded.

Check if 'options.exclude' contains a pattern matching filename.

def get_checks(self, argument_name):

Get all the checks for this category.

Find all globally visible functions where the first argument name starts with argument_name and which contain selected tests.

def ignore_code(self, code):

Check if the error code should be ignored.

If '' contains a prefix of the error code, return False. Else, if 'options.ignore' contains a prefix of the error code, return True.

def init_report(self, reporter=None):

Initialize the report instance.

def input_dir(self, dirname):

Check all files in this directory and all subdirectories.

def input_file(self, filename, lines=None, expected=None, line_offset=0):

Run all checks on a Python source file.

checker_class =


options =


paths =


runner =
