class documentation

class NodeRef(object):

Constructor: NodeRef(id, api)

View In Hierarchy

Container for node registration information. Used in master's self.nodes data structure. This is effectively a reference counter for the node registration information: when the subscriptions and publications are empty the node registration can be deleted.

Method __init__ ctor @param api str: node XML-RPC API
Method add Undocumented
Method clear Delete all state from this NodeRef except for the api location
Method is_empty @return: True if node has no active registrations
Method remove Undocumented
Instance Variable api Undocumented
Instance Variable id Undocumented
Instance Variable param_subscriptions Undocumented
Instance Variable services Undocumented
Instance Variable topic_publications Undocumented
Instance Variable topic_subscriptions Undocumented
def __init__(self, id, api):

ctor @param api str: node XML-RPC API

def add(self, type_, key):


def clear(self):

Delete all state from this NodeRef except for the api location

def is_empty(self):

@return: True if node has no active registrations

def remove(self, type_, key):


api =


id =


param_subscriptions: list =


services: list =


topic_publications: list =


topic_subscriptions: list =
