module documentation


Class NodeRef Container for node registration information. Used in master's self.nodes data structure. This is effectively a reference counter for the node registration information: when the subscriptions and publications are empty the node registration can be deleted.
Class RegistrationManager Stores registrations for Master.
Class Registrations All calls may result in access/modifications to node registrations dictionary, so be careful to guarantee appropriate thread-safeness.
Function shutdown_node_task Method to shutdown another ROS node. Generally invoked within a separate thread as this is used to cleanup hung nodes.
def shutdown_node_task(api, caller_id, reason):

Method to shutdown another ROS node. Generally invoked within a separate thread as this is used to cleanup hung nodes.

@param api: XML-RPC API of node to shutdown @type api: str @param caller_id: name of node being shutdown @type caller_id: str @param reason: human-readable reason why node is being shutdown @type reason: str