module documentation

Internal-use Python decorators for parameter validation

Exception ParameterInvalid Exception that is raised when a parameter fails validation checks
Function empty_or_valid_name empty or valid graph resource name. Validator that resolves names unless they an empty string is supplied, in which case an empty string is returned.
Function global_name Validator that checks for valid, global graph resource name. @return: parameter value @rtype: str
Function is_api Validator that checks that parameter is a valid API handle (i.e. URI). Both http and rosrpc are allowed schemes.
Function is_service Validator that checks that parameter is a valid ROS service name
Function is_topic Validator that checks that parameter is a valid ROS topic name
Function isstring Small helper version to check an object is a string in a way that works for both Python 2 and 3
Function non_empty Validator that checks that parameter is not empty
Function non_empty_str Validator that checks that parameter is a string and non-empty
Function not_none Validator that checks that parameter is not None
Function valid_name Validator that resolves names and also ensures that they are not empty @param param_name: name @type param_name: str @param resolve: if True/omitted, the name will be resolved to
Function valid_name_validator_resolved Undocumented
Function valid_name_validator_unresolved Undocumented
Function valid_type_name validator that checks the type name is specified correctly
Constant ROSRPC Undocumented
Constant TYPE_SEPARATOR Undocumented
def empty_or_valid_name(param_name):

empty or valid graph resource name. Validator that resolves names unless they an empty string is supplied, in which case an empty string is returned.

def global_name(param_name):

Validator that checks for valid, global graph resource name. @return: parameter value @rtype: str

def is_api(paramName):

Validator that checks that parameter is a valid API handle (i.e. URI). Both http and rosrpc are allowed schemes.

def is_service(param_name):

Validator that checks that parameter is a valid ROS service name

def is_topic(param_name):

Validator that checks that parameter is a valid ROS topic name

def isstring(s):

Small helper version to check an object is a string in a way that works for both Python 2 and 3

def non_empty(param_name):

Validator that checks that parameter is not empty

def non_empty_str(param_name):

Validator that checks that parameter is a string and non-empty

def not_none(param_name):

Validator that checks that parameter is not None

def valid_name(param_name, resolve=True):

Validator that resolves names and also ensures that they are not empty @param param_name: name @type param_name: str @param resolve: if True/omitted, the name will be resolved to

a global form. Otherwise, no resolution occurs.

@type resolve: bool @return: resolved parameter value @rtype: str

def valid_name_validator_resolved(param_name, param_value, caller_id):


def valid_name_validator_unresolved(param_name, param_value, caller_id):


def valid_type_name(param_name):

validator that checks the type name is specified correctly

ROSRPC: str =



