class documentation

class Timer(threading.Thread):

Constructor: Timer(period, callback, oneshot, reset)

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Convenience class for calling a callback at a specified rate

Method __init__ Constructor. @param period: desired period between callbacks @type period: rospy.Duration @param callback: callback to be called @type callback: function taking rospy.TimerEvent @param oneshot: if True, fire only once, otherwise fire continuously until shutdown is called [default: False] @type oneshot: bool @param reset: if True, timer is reset when rostime moved backward...
Method run Undocumented
Method shutdown Stop firing callbacks.
Instance Variable daemon Undocumented
Instance Variable _callback Undocumented
Instance Variable _oneshot Undocumented
Instance Variable _period Undocumented
Instance Variable _reset Undocumented
Instance Variable _shutdown Undocumented
def __init__(self, period, callback, oneshot=False, reset=False):

Constructor. @param period: desired period between callbacks @type period: rospy.Duration @param callback: callback to be called @type callback: function taking rospy.TimerEvent @param oneshot: if True, fire only once, otherwise fire continuously until shutdown is called [default: False] @type oneshot: bool @param reset: if True, timer is reset when rostime moved backward. [default: False] @type reset: bool

def run(self):


def shutdown(self):

Stop firing callbacks.

daemon: bool =


_callback =


_oneshot =


_period =


_reset =


_shutdown: bool =
