class documentation

Base class of L{Publisher} and L{Subscriber}

Method __init__ @param name: graph resource name of topic, e.g. 'laser'. @type name: str @param data_class: message class for serialization @type data_class: L{Message} @param reg_type Registration.PUB or Registration...
Method get_num_connections get the number of connections to other ROS nodes for this topic. For a Publisher, this corresponds to the number of nodes subscribing. For a Subscriber, the number of publishers. @return: number of connections @rtype: int...
Method unregister unpublish/unsubscribe from topic. Topic instance is no longer valid after this call. Additional calls to unregister() have no effect.
Instance Variable data_class Undocumented
Instance Variable impl Undocumented
Instance Variable md5sum Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Instance Variable reg_type Undocumented
Instance Variable resolved_name Undocumented
Instance Variable type Undocumented
def __init__(self, name, data_class, reg_type):

@param name: graph resource name of topic, e.g. 'laser'. @type name: str @param data_class: message class for serialization @type data_class: L{Message} @param reg_type Registration.PUB or Registration.SUB @type reg_type: str @raise ValueError: if parameters are invalid

def get_num_connections(self):

get the number of connections to other ROS nodes for this topic. For a Publisher, this corresponds to the number of nodes subscribing. For a Subscriber, the number of publishers. @return: number of connections @rtype: int

def unregister(self):

unpublish/unsubscribe from topic. Topic instance is no longer valid after this call. Additional calls to unregister() have no effect.

data_class =


impl =


md5sum =


name =


reg_type =


resolved_name =


type =
