class documentation

Class for registering as a publisher of a ROS topic.

Method __init__ Constructor @param name: resource name of topic, e.g. 'laser'. @type name: str @param data_class: message class for serialization @type data_class: L{Message} class @param subscriber_listener: listener for...
Method publish Publish message data object to this topic. Publish can either be called with the message instance to publish or with the constructor args for a new Message instance, i.e.:

Inherited from Topic:

Method get_num_connections get the number of connections to other ROS nodes for this topic. For a Publisher, this corresponds to the number of nodes subscribing. For a Subscriber, the number of publishers. @return: number of connections @rtype: int...
Method unregister unpublish/unsubscribe from topic. Topic instance is no longer valid after this call. Additional calls to unregister() have no effect.
Instance Variable data_class Undocumented
Instance Variable impl Undocumented
Instance Variable md5sum Undocumented
Instance Variable name Undocumented
Instance Variable reg_type Undocumented
Instance Variable resolved_name Undocumented
Instance Variable type Undocumented
def __init__(self, name, data_class, subscriber_listener=None, tcp_nodelay=False, latch=False, headers=None, queue_size=None):

Constructor @param name: resource name of topic, e.g. 'laser'. @type name: str @param data_class: message class for serialization @type data_class: L{Message} class @param subscriber_listener: listener for

subscription events. May be None.

@type subscriber_listener: L{SubscribeListener} @param tcp_nodelay: If True, sets TCP_NODELAY on

publisher's socket (disables Nagle algorithm). This results in lower latency publishing at the cost of efficiency.

@type tcp_nodelay: bool @param latch: If True, the last message published is 'latched', meaning that any future subscribers will be sent that message immediately upon connection. @type latch: bool @param headers: If not None, a dictionary with additional header key-values being used for future connections. @type headers: dict @param queue_size: The queue size used for asynchronously publishing messages from different threads. A size of zero means an infinite queue, which can be dangerous. When the keyword is not being used or when None is passed all publishing will happen synchronously and a warning message will be printed. @type queue_size: int @raise ROSException: if parameters are invalid

def publish(self, *args, **kwds):

Publish message data object to this topic. Publish can either be called with the message instance to publish or with the constructor args for a new Message instance, i.e.:

pub.publish(message_field_1, message_field_2...)
pub.publish(message_field_1='foo', message_field_2='bar')

@param args : L{Message} instance, message arguments, or no args if keyword arguments are used @param kwds : Message keyword arguments. If kwds are used, args must be unset @raise ROSException: If rospy node has not been initialized @raise ROSSerializationException: If unable to serialize message. This is usually a type error with one of the fields.