module documentation

rospy internal core implementation library

Class LoggingIdentical No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 1/1 method documented
Class LoggingOnce Undocumented
Class LoggingThrottle No class docstring; 0/1 class variable, 1/1 method documented
Class NullHandler Undocumented
Function add_client_shutdown_hook Add client method to invoke when system shuts down. Unlike L{add_shutdown_hook} and L{add_preshutdown_hooks}, these methods will be called before any rospy internal shutdown code.
Function add_preshutdown_hook Add method to invoke when system shuts down. Unlike L{add_shutdown_hook}, these methods will be called before any other shutdown hooks.
Function add_shutdown_hook Add method to invoke when system shuts down.
Function configure_logging Setup filesystem logging for this node @param node_name: Node's name @type node_name str @param level: (optional) Python logging level (INFO, DEBUG, etc...). (Default: logging.INFO) @type level: int
Function deprecated This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used.
Function is_initialized Get the initialization state of the local node. If True, node has been configured. @return: True if local node initialized @rtype: bool
Function is_shutdown_requested is_shutdown_requested is a state that occurs just before is_shutdown. It is initiated when a shutdown requested is received and continues until client shutdown handlers have been called. After client shutdown handlers have been serviced, the is_shutdown state becomes true.
Function is_topic Validator that checks that parameter is a valid ROS topic name
Function logdebug_throttle_identical Undocumented
Function logerr_throttle_identical Undocumented
Function logfatal_throttle_identical Undocumented
Function loginfo_throttle_identical Undocumented
Function logwarn_throttle_identical Undocumented
Function register_signals register system signal handlers for SIGTERM and SIGINT
Function rospydebug Internal rospy client library debug logging
Function rospyerr Internal rospy client library error logging
Function rospyinfo Internal rospy client library debug logging
Function rospywarn Internal rospy client library warn logging
Function set_initialized set the initialization state of the local node @param initialized: True if node initialized @type initialized: bool
Function set_node_uri set the URI of the local node. This is an internal API method, it does not actually affect the XMLRPC URI of the Node.
Function xmlrpcapi @return: instance for calling remote server or None if not a valid URI @rtype: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
Constant MASTER_NAME Undocumented
Constant ROSRPC Undocumented
Class _LockedServerProxy Undocumented
Function _add_shutdown_hook shared implementation of add_shutdown_hook and add_preshutdown_hook
Function _add_shutdown_thread Register thread that must be joined() on shutdown
Function _base_logger Undocumented
Function _frame_to_caller_id Undocumented
Function _ros_atexit Undocumented
Function _ros_signal Undocumented
Constant _TIMEOUT_SHUTDOWN_JOIN Undocumented
Variable _client_ready Undocumented
Variable _client_shutdown_hooks Undocumented
Variable _in_shutdown Undocumented
Variable _log_filename Undocumented
Variable _logger Undocumented
Variable _logging_identical Undocumented
Variable _logging_once Undocumented
Variable _logging_throttle Undocumented
Variable _preshutdown_hooks Undocumented
Variable _rospy_logger Undocumented
Variable _shutdown_flag Undocumented
Variable _shutdown_hooks Undocumented
Variable _shutdown_lock Undocumented
Variable _shutdown_threads Undocumented
Variable _signalChain Undocumented
Variable _uri Undocumented
Variable _xmlrpc_cache Undocumented
Variable _xmlrpc_lock Undocumented
def add_client_shutdown_hook(h):

Add client method to invoke when system shuts down. Unlike L{add_shutdown_hook} and L{add_preshutdown_hooks}, these methods will be called before any rospy internal shutdown code.

@param h: function with zero args @type h: fn()

def add_preshutdown_hook(h):

Add method to invoke when system shuts down. Unlike L{add_shutdown_hook}, these methods will be called before any other shutdown hooks.

@param h: function that takes in a single string argument (shutdown reason) @type h: fn(str)

def add_shutdown_hook(h):

Add method to invoke when system shuts down.

Shutdown hooks are called in the order that they are registered. This is an internal API method that is used to cleanup. See the client X{on_shutdown()} method if you wish to register client hooks.

@param h: function that takes in a single string argument (shutdown reason) @type h: fn(str)

def configure_logging(node_name, level=logging.INFO):

Setup filesystem logging for this node @param node_name: Node's name @type node_name str @param level: (optional) Python logging level (INFO, DEBUG, etc...). (Default: logging.INFO) @type level: int

def deprecated(func):

This is a decorator which can be used to mark functions as deprecated. It will result in a warning being emitted when the function is used.

def is_initialized():

Get the initialization state of the local node. If True, node has been configured. @return: True if local node initialized @rtype: bool

def is_shutdown_requested():

is_shutdown_requested is a state that occurs just before is_shutdown. It is initiated when a shutdown requested is received and continues until client shutdown handlers have been called. After client shutdown handlers have been serviced, the is_shutdown state becomes true.

@return: True if shutdown has been requested (but possibly not yet initiated) @rtype: bool

def is_topic(param_name):

Validator that checks that parameter is a valid ROS topic name

def logdebug_throttle_identical(period, msg, *args, **kwargs):


def logerr_throttle_identical(period, msg, *args, **kwargs):


def logfatal_throttle_identical(period, msg, *args, **kwargs):


def loginfo_throttle_identical(period, msg, *args, **kwargs):


def logwarn_throttle_identical(period, msg, *args, **kwargs):


def register_signals():

register system signal handlers for SIGTERM and SIGINT

def rospydebug(msg, *args, **kwargs):

Internal rospy client library debug logging

def rospyerr(msg, *args, **kwargs):

Internal rospy client library error logging

def rospyinfo(msg, *args, **kwargs):

Internal rospy client library debug logging

def rospywarn(msg, *args, **kwargs):

Internal rospy client library warn logging

def set_initialized(initialized):

set the initialization state of the local node @param initialized: True if node initialized @type initialized: bool

def set_node_uri(uri):

set the URI of the local node. This is an internal API method, it does not actually affect the XMLRPC URI of the Node.

def xmlrpcapi(uri, cache=True):

@return: instance for calling remote server or None if not a valid URI @rtype: xmlrpclib.ServerProxy



ROSRPC: str =


def _add_shutdown_hook(h, hooks, pass_reason_argument=True):

shared implementation of add_shutdown_hook and add_preshutdown_hook

def _add_shutdown_thread(t):

Register thread that must be joined() on shutdown

def _base_logger(msg, args, kwargs, throttle=None, throttle_identical=False, level=None, once=False):


def _frame_to_caller_id(frame):


def _ros_atexit():


def _ros_signal(sig, stackframe):




_client_ready: bool =


_client_shutdown_hooks: list =


_in_shutdown: bool =


_log_filename =


_logger =


_logging_identical =


_logging_once =


_logging_throttle =


_preshutdown_hooks: list =


_rospy_logger =


_shutdown_flag: bool =


_shutdown_hooks: list =


_shutdown_lock =


_shutdown_threads: list =


_signalChain: dict =


_uri =


_xmlrpc_cache: dict =


_xmlrpc_lock =
