class documentation

TransformListener is a subclass of tf.TransformerROS that subscribes to the "/tf" message topic, and calls tf.Transformer.setTransform with each incoming transformation message.

In this way a TransformListener object automatically stays up to to date with all current transforms. Typical usage might be:

import tf
from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped

class MyNode:

    def __init__(self): = tf.TransformListener()
        rospy.Subscriber("/sometopic", PointStamped, self.some_message_handler)

    def some_message_handler(self, point_stamped):

        # want to work on the point in the "world" frame
        point_in_world ="world", point_stamped)
Method __init__ Undocumented
Instance Variable _listener Undocumented

Inherited from TransformerROS:

Method asMatrix Uses lookupTransform to look up the transform for ROS message header hdr to frame target_frame, and returns the transform as a numpy.matrix 4x4.
Method fromTranslationRotation Converts a transformation from tf.Transformer into a representation as a 4x4 matrix.
Method transformPoint Transforms a geometry_msgs PointStamped message to frame target_frame, returns a new PointStamped message.
Method transformPointCloud Transforms a geometry_msgs PoseStamped message to frame target_frame, returns a new PoseStamped message.
Method transformPose Transforms a geometry_msgs PoseStamped message to frame target_frame, returns a new PoseStamped message.
Method transformQuaternion Transforms a geometry_msgs QuaternionStamped message to frame target_frame, returns a new QuaternionStamped message.
Method transformVector3 Transforms a geometry_msgs Vector3Stamped message to frame target_frame, returns a new Vector3Stamped message.

Inherited from Transformer (via TransformerROS):

Method allFramesAsDot Undocumented
Method allFramesAsString Undocumented
Method canTransform Undocumented
Method canTransformFull Undocumented
Method chain Undocumented
Method clear Undocumented
Method frameExists Not a recommended API, only here for backwards compatibility
Method getFrameStrings Not a recommended API, only here for backwards compatibility
Method getLatestCommonTime Undocumented
Method getTFPrefix Undocumented
Method lookupTransform Undocumented
Method lookupTransformFull Undocumented
Method lookupTwist Undocumented
Method lookupTwistFull Undocumented
Method setTransform Undocumented
Method setUsingDedicatedThread Undocumented
Method waitForTransform Undocumented
Method waitForTransformFull Undocumented
Instance Variable _buffer Undocumented
Instance Variable _using_dedicated_thread Undocumented
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
_listener =
