class documentation

class Buffer(tf2.BufferCore, tf2_ros.BufferInterface):

Constructor: Buffer(cache_time, debug)

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Standard implementation of the tf2_ros.BufferInterface abstract data type.

Inherits from tf2_ros.buffer_interface.BufferInterface and tf2.BufferCore.

Stores known frames and optionally offers a ROS service, "tf2_frames", which responds to client requests with a response containing a tf2_msgs.FrameGraph representing the relationship of known frames.

Method __init__ No summary
Method can_transform Check if a transform from the source frame to the target frame is possible.
Method can_transform_full Check if a transform from the source frame to the target frame is possible (advanced API).
Method lookup_transform Get the transform from the source frame to the target frame.
Method lookup_transform_full Get the transform from the source frame to the target frame using the advanced API.
Instance Variable CAN_TRANSFORM_POLLING_SCALE Undocumented
Method __get_frames Undocumented
def __init__(self, cache_time=None, debug=True):
def can_transform(self, target_frame, source_frame, time, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.0), return_debug_tuple=False):

Check if a transform from the source frame to the target frame is possible.

target_frameName of the frame to transform into.
source_frameName of the input frame.
timeThe time at which to get the transform. (0 will get the latest)
timeout(Optional) Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
return_debug_type(Optional) If true, return a tuple representing debug information.
boolTrue if the transform is possible, false otherwise.
def can_transform_full(self, target_frame, target_time, source_frame, source_time, fixed_frame, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.0), return_debug_tuple=False):

Check if a transform from the source frame to the target frame is possible (advanced API).

Must be implemented by a subclass of BufferInterface.

target_frameName of the frame to transform into.
target_timeThe time to transform to. (0 will get the latest)
source_frameName of the input frame.
source_timeThe time at which source_frame will be evaluated. (0 will get the latest)
fixed_frameName of the frame to consider constant in time.
timeout(Optional) Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
return_debug_type(Optional) If true, return a tuple representing debug information.
boolTrue if the transform is possible, false otherwise.
def lookup_transform(self, target_frame, source_frame, time, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.0)):

Get the transform from the source frame to the target frame.

target_frameName of the frame to transform into.
source_frameName of the input frame.
timeThe time at which to get the transform. (0 will get the latest)
timeout(Optional) Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStampedThe transform between the frames.
def lookup_transform_full(self, target_frame, target_time, source_frame, source_time, fixed_frame, timeout=rospy.Duration(0.0)):

Get the transform from the source frame to the target frame using the advanced API.

target_frameName of the frame to transform into.
target_timeThe time to transform to. (0 will get the latest)
source_frameName of the input frame.
source_timeThe time at which source_frame will be evaluated. (0 will get the latest)
fixed_frameName of the frame to consider constant in time.
timeout(Optional) Time to wait for the target frame to become available.
geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStampedThe transform between the frames.


def __get_frames(self, req):
