class documentation

A TopicDiagnostic combined with a ros::Publisher.

For a standard ros::Publisher, this class allows the ros::Publisher and the TopicDiagnostic to be combined for added convenience.

Method __init__ Constructs a DiagnosedPublisher.
Method publish Collects statistics and publishes the message.
Instance Variable publisher Undocumented

Inherited from TopicDiagnostic:

Method tick Collects statistics and publishes the message.
Instance Variable stamp Undocumented

Inherited from HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic (via TopicDiagnostic):

Method clear_window Clears the frequency statistics.
Instance Variable diag Undocumented
Instance Variable freq Undocumented

Inherited from CompositeDiagnosticTask (via TopicDiagnostic, HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic):

Method addTask Adds a child CompositeDiagnosticTask.
Method run Runs each child and merges their outputs.
Instance Variable tasks Undocumented

Inherited from DiagnosticTask (via TopicDiagnostic, HeaderlessTopicDiagnostic, CompositeDiagnosticTask):

Method getName Returns the name of the DiagnosticTask.
Instance Variable name Undocumented
def __init__(self, pub, diag, freq, stamp):

Constructs a DiagnosedPublisher.

@param pub The publisher on which statistics are being collected.

@param diag The diagnostic_updater that the CompositeDiagnosticTask should add itself to.

@param freq The parameters for the FrequencyStatus class that will be computing statistics.

@param stamp The parameters for the TimeStampStatus class that will be computing statistics.

def publish(self, message):

Collects statistics and publishes the message.

The timestamp to be used by the TimeStampStatus class will be extracted from message.header.stamp.

publisher =
