class documentation

Support class for reading unindexed v1.2 bag files.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method read_message_definition_record Undocumented
Method read_messages Undocumented
Method reindex Generates all bag index information by rereading the message records.
Method start_reading Undocumented
Method _create_connection_info_for_datatype Undocumented

Inherited from _BagReader:

Instance Variable bag Undocumented
def read_message_definition_record(self, header=None):


def read_messages(self, topics, start_time, end_time, topic_filter, raw, return_connection_header=False):
def reindex(self):

Generates all bag index information by rereading the message records.

def _create_connection_info_for_datatype(self, topic, datatype):
