module documentation


Exception InvalidClassException Undocumented
Exception InvalidModuleException Undocumented
Exception InvalidPackageException Undocumented
Exception InvalidTypeStringException Undocumented
Function get_message_class Loads the message type specified.
Function get_message_instance If not loaded, loads the specified type. Then returns an instance of it, or None.
Function get_service_class Loads the service type specified.
Function get_service_instance If not loaded, loads the specified type. Then returns an instance of it, or None.
Function get_service_request_instance Undocumented
Function get_service_response_instance Undocumented
Function _add_to_cache Undocumented
Function _get_class If not loaded, loads the specified class then returns an instance of it.
Function _get_from_cache Returns the value for the specified key from the cache. Locks the lock before doing anything. Returns None if key not in cache
Function _get_msg_class If not loaded, loads the specified msg class then returns an instance of it
Function _get_srv_class If not loaded, loads the specified srv class then returns an instance of it
Function _load_class Loads the manifest and imports the module that contains the specified type.
Function _splittype Split the string the / delimiter and strip out empty strings
Variable _loaded_msgs Undocumented
Variable _loaded_srvs Undocumented
Variable _manifest_lock Undocumented
Variable _msgs_lock Undocumented
Variable _srvs_lock Undocumented
def get_message_class(typestring):

Loads the message type specified.

Returns the loaded class, or throws exceptions on failure

def get_message_instance(typestring):

If not loaded, loads the specified type. Then returns an instance of it, or None.

def get_service_class(typestring):

Loads the service type specified.

Returns the loaded class, or None on failure

def get_service_instance(typestring):

If not loaded, loads the specified type. Then returns an instance of it, or None.

def get_service_request_instance(typestring):


def get_service_response_instance(typestring):


def _add_to_cache(cache, lock, key, value):


def _get_class(typestring, subname, cache, lock):

If not loaded, loads the specified class then returns an instance of it.

Loaded classes are cached in the provided cache dict

Throws various exceptions if loading the msg class fails

def _get_from_cache(cache, lock, key):

Returns the value for the specified key from the cache. Locks the lock before doing anything. Returns None if key not in cache

def _get_msg_class(typestring):

If not loaded, loads the specified msg class then returns an instance of it

Throws various exceptions if loading the msg class fails

def _get_srv_class(typestring):

If not loaded, loads the specified srv class then returns an instance of it

Throws various exceptions if loading the srv class fails

def _load_class(modname, subname, classname):

Loads the manifest and imports the module that contains the specified type.

Logic is similar to that of roslib.message.get_message_class, but we want more expressive exceptions.

Returns the loaded module, or None on failure

def _splittype(typestring):

Split the string the / delimiter and strip out empty strings

Performs similar logic to roslib.names.package_resource_name but is a bit more forgiving about excess slashes

_loaded_msgs: dict =


_loaded_srvs: dict =


_manifest_lock =


_msgs_lock =


_srvs_lock =
