class documentation

class ROSLaunchListener(object):

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Listener interface for events related to ROSLaunch. ROSLaunchListener is currently identical to the lower-level L{roslaunch.pmon.ProcessListener} interface, but is separate for architectural reasons. The lower-level L{roslaunch.pmon.ProcessMonitor} does not provide events about remotely running processes.

Method process_died Notifies listener that process has died. This callback only occurs for processes that die during normal process monitor execution -- processes that are forcibly killed during L{roslaunch.pmon.ProcessMonitor} shutdown are not reported...
def process_died(self, process_name, exit_code):

Notifies listener that process has died. This callback only occurs for processes that die during normal process monitor execution -- processes that are forcibly killed during L{roslaunch.pmon.ProcessMonitor} shutdown are not reported. @param process_name: name of process @type process_name: str @param exit_code int: exit code of process. If None, it means

that L{roslaunch.pmon.ProcessMonitor} was unable to determine an exit code.

@type exit_code: int