module documentation

L{WtfContext} object, which is commonly used throughout the roswtf APIs to pass state.

Class WtfContext WtfContext stores common state about the ROS filesystem and online environment. The primary use of this is for convenience (not having to load this state manually) and performance (not having to do the same calculation repeatedly).
Exception WtfException Base exception class of roswtf-related issues.
Function _load_env Utility for initializing WtfContext state
Function _load_pkg Utility for initializing WtfContext state @raise WtfException: if context state cannot be initialized
Function _load_roslaunch Utility for initializing WtfContext state from roslaunch file
Function _load_stack Utility for initializing WtfContext state @raise WtfException: if context state cannot be initialized
def _load_env(ctx, env):

Utility for initializing WtfContext state

@raise WtfException: if context state cannot be initialized

def _load_pkg(ctx, pkg):

Utility for initializing WtfContext state @raise WtfException: if context state cannot be initialized

def _load_roslaunch(ctx, roslaunch_files):

Utility for initializing WtfContext state from roslaunch file

def _load_stack(ctx, stack):

Utility for initializing WtfContext state @raise WtfException: if context state cannot be initialized