package documentation

roswtf command-line tool.

Module context L{WtfContext} object, which is commonly used throughout the roswtf APIs to pass state.
Module environment Rules for checking ROS environment state.
Module graph Undocumented
Module model Error and Warning representation. The roswtf.rules module simplifies the process of creating instances of L{WtfError}s and L{WtfWarning}s, but these objects can be used directly if desired.
Module network No module docstring; 0/2 variable, 2/4 functions documented
Module packages Undocumented
Module plugins Plugin loader for roswtf.
Module py_pip_deb_checks Checks to see if core Python scripts have: 1) Been installed 2) Have been installed via Debians on Ubuntu 3) Have not been installed via pip on Ubuntu
Module rosdep_db Checks if rosdep database has been initialized
Module roslaunchwtf Undocumented
Module rules Common library for writing rule-style checks for generating warnings and errors. Use of this style streamlines reporting.
Module stacks Undocumented


Function print_results Undocumented
Function roswtf_main Undocumented
Function yaml_results Undocumented
Function _roswtf_main Undocumented
def yaml_results(ctx):


def print_results(ctx):


def roswtf_main():


def _roswtf_main():
