module documentation

Rules for checking ROS environment state.

Function invalid_url @return: error message if \x07 url is not a valid url. \x07 url is allowed to be empty as that check is considered separately. @rtype: str
Function is_executable @return: True if path has executable permissions @rtype: bool
Function path_check Undocumented
Function paths @return: paths contained in path variable. path must conform to OS conventions for path separation (i.e. colon-separated on Unix) @rtype: [str]
Function pythonpath_check Undocumented
Function ros_home_check Undocumented
Function ros_log_dir_check Undocumented
Function ros_master_uri_hostname Undocumented
Function ros_root_check @param ros_root: override ctx, useful for when ctx is not created yet @type ros_root: str
Function ros_test_results_dir_check Undocumented
Function rosconsole_config_file_check Undocumented
Function wtf_check_environment Undocumented
Variable environment_errors Undocumented
Variable environment_warnings Undocumented
Function _writable_dir_check If path is not None, validate that it is a writable directory
def invalid_url(url):

@return: error message if \x07 url is not a valid url. \x07 url is allowed to be empty as that check is considered separately. @rtype: str

def is_executable(path):

@return: True if path has executable permissions @rtype: bool

def path_check(ctx):


def paths(path):

@return: paths contained in path variable. path must conform to OS conventions for path separation (i.e. colon-separated on Unix) @rtype: [str]

def pythonpath_check(ctx):


def ros_home_check(ctx):


def ros_log_dir_check(ctx):


def ros_master_uri_hostname(ctx):


def ros_root_check(ctx, ros_root=None):

@param ros_root: override ctx, useful for when ctx is not created yet @type ros_root: str

def ros_test_results_dir_check(ctx):


def rosconsole_config_file_check(ctx):


def wtf_check_environment(ctx):


environment_errors =


environment_warnings =


def _writable_dir_check(ctx, path, name):

If path is not None, validate that it is a writable directory