From __init__.py
Class |
Callback instance that can print callback data in a variety of formats. Used for all variants of rostopic echo |
Class |
No class docstring; 0/5 instance variable, 2/3 methods documented |
Class |
No class docstring; 0/6 instance variable, 1/4 method documented |
Class |
ROSTopicHz receives messages for a topic and computes frequency stats |
Exception |
Base exception class of rostopic-related errors |
Exception |
rostopic errors related to network I/O failures |
Function | argv |
Undocumented |
Function | create |
Undocumented |
Function | create |
Create rospy.Publisher instance from the string topic name and type. This is a powerful method as it allows creation of rospy.Publisher and Message instances using the topic and type names. This enables more dynamic publishing from Python programs. |
Function | create |
Undocumented |
Function | file |
No summary |
Function | find |
Lookup topics by topic_type :param topic_type: type of topic to find, str :returns: list of topic names that use topic_type, [str] |
Function | get |
Get XML-RPC API of node :param master: XML-RPC handle to ROS Master, xmlrpclib.ServerProxy :param caller_id: node name, str :returns: XML-RPC URI of node, str :raises: ROSTopicIOException If unable to communicate with master... |
Function | get |
Get human-readable topic description |
Function | get |
Get the topic message class :returns: message class for topic, real topic |
Function | get |
Undocumented |
Function | get |
Get the topic type. |
Function | msgevalgen |
Generates a function that returns the relevant field(s) (aka 'subtopic(s)') of a Message object :param pattern: subtopic, e.g. /x[2:]/y[:-1]/z, str :returns: function that converts a message into the desired value, ... |
Function | param |
No summary |
Function | param |
Undocumented |
Function | publish |
Create new instance of msg_class, populate with pub_args, and publish. This may print output to screen. |
Function | rostopicmain |
Undocumented |
Function | stdin |
No summary |
Function | stdin |
Iterate over YAML documents in stdin :returns: for next list of arguments on stdin. Iterator returns a list of args for each call, iterator |
Function | wait |
Undocumented |
Constant | NAME |
Undocumented |
Constant | SUBSCRIBER |
Undocumented |
Class | _ |
Undocumented |
Function | _check |
Make sure that master is available :raises: ROSTopicException If unable to successfully communicate with master |
Function | _convert |
Convert atttribute types on the fly, if necessary. This is mainly to convert uint8[] fields back to an array type. |
Function | _fill |
Undocumented |
Function | _fullusage |
Undocumented |
Function | _get |
Undocumented |
Function | _get |
Undocumented |
Function | _get |
Undocumented |
Function | _get |
subroutine for getting the topic type :returns: topic type, real topic name and fn to evaluate the message instance if the topic points to a field within a topic, e.g. /rosout/msg, (str, str, fn) |
Function | _isstring |
Undocumented |
Function | _master |
Undocumented |
Function | _optparse |
Undocumented |
Function | _publish |
Publish message at specified rate. Subroutine of L{publish_message()}. |
Function | _publish |
Publish and latch message. Subroutine of L{publish_message()}. |
Function | _resource |
pkg/typeName -> pkg, typeName -> None |
Function | _rostopic |
periodically print the received bandwidth of a topic to console until shutdown |
Function | _rostopic |
Undocumented |
Function | _rostopic |
Undocumented |
Function | _rostopic |
Undocumented |
Function | _rostopic |
Implements 'rostopic type' :param argv: command-line args, [str] |
Function | _rostopic |
Undocumented |
Function | _rostopic |
Command-line parsing for 'rostopic info' command. |
Function | _rostopic |
Command-line parsing for 'rostopic list' command. |
Function | _rostopic |
Parse 'pub' command arguments and run command. Will cause a system exit if command-line argument parsing fails. :param argv: command-line arguments :param argv: [str] :raises: ROSTopicException If call command cannot be executed... |
Function | _rostopic |
Undocumented |
Function | _rostopic |
Periodically print the publishing delay of a topic to console until shutdown :param topic: topic name, str :param window_size: number of messages to average over, -1 for infinite, int :param tcp_nodelay: Subscribe with the TCP_NODELAY transport hint if true... |
Function | _rostopic |
Print new messages on topic to screen. |
Function | _rostopic |
No summary |
Function | _rostopic |
Periodically print the publishing rate of a topic to console until shutdown :param topics: topic names, list of str :param window_size: number of messages to average over, -1 for infinite, int :param filter_expr: Python filter expression that is called with m, the message instance :param tcp_nodelay: Subscribe with the TCP_NODELAY transport hint if true... |
Function | _rostopic |
Print topic information to screen. |
Function | _rostopic |
Print topics to screen |
Function | _rostopic |
Prints topics in bag file to screen :param bag_file: path to bag file, str :param topic: optional topic name to match. Will print additional information just about messagese in this topic, str |
Function | _rostopic |
Build up maps for hostname to topic list per hostname :returns: publishers host map, subscribers host map, {str: set(str)}, {str: set(str)} |
Function | _rostopic |
Print ROS message type of topic to screen :param topic: topic name, str |
Function | _sleep |
Undocumented |
Function | _str |
Convert value to matlab/octave-friendly CSV string representation. |
Function | _str |
get CSV representation of fields used by _str_plot :returns: list of fields as a CSV string, str |
Function | _sub |
Undocumented |
Function | _sub |
Helper routine for _str_plot. |
Function | _sub |
recursive helper function for _str_plot_fields |
Constant | _ONCE |
Undocumented |
Variable | _caller |
Undocumented |
Make sure that master is available
:raises: ROSTopicException
If unable to successfully communicate with master
Periodically print the publishing rate of a topic to console until shutdown :param topics: topic names, list of str :param window_size: number of messages to average over, -1 for infinite, int :param filter_expr: Python filter expression that is called with m, the message instance :param tcp_nodelay: Subscribe with the TCP_NODELAY transport hint if true
Periodically print the publishing delay of a topic to console until shutdown :param topic: topic name, str :param window_size: number of messages to average over, -1 for infinite, int :param tcp_nodelay: Subscribe with the TCP_NODELAY transport hint if true
Generates a function that returns the relevant field(s) (aka 'subtopic(s)') of a Message object :param pattern: subtopic, e.g. /x[2:]/y[:-1]/z, str :returns: function that converts a message into the desired value, fn(Message) -> value
subroutine for getting the topic type :returns: topic type, real topic name and fn to evaluate the message instance if the topic points to a field within a topic, e.g. /rosout/msg, (str, str, fn)
Get the topic type.
Parameters | |
topic | topic name, str |
blocking | (default False) block until topic becomes available, bool |
Returns | |
topic type, real topic name and fn to evaluate the message instance if the topic points to a field within a topic, e.g. /rosout/msg. fn is None otherwise. (str, str, fn) | |
Raises | |
Unknown exception | ROSTopicException If master cannot be contacted |
Get the topic message class :returns: message class for topic, real topic
name, and function for evaluating message objects into the subtopic (or None). (Message, str, str)
Raises | |
Unknown exception | ROSTopicException If topic type cannot be determined or loaded |
Convert value to matlab/octave-friendly CSV string representation.
Parameters | |
val | message |
time | (optional) for time printed for message, print as offset against this genpy.Time |
current | current genpy.Time to use if message does not contain its own timestamp. |
field | filter the fields that are stringified for Messages, fn(Message)->iter(str) |
type | Undocumented |
fixed | Undocumented |
value | Not used but for same API as CallbackEcho.custom_strify_message |
Returns | |
comma-separated list of field values in val, str |
Convert atttribute types on the fly, if necessary. This is mainly to convert uint8[] fields back to an array type.
Parameters | |
callback | CallbackEcho instance to invoke on new messages in bag file |
bag | name of bag file to echo messages from or None, str |
Print new messages on topic to screen.
Parameters | |
topic | topic name, str |
callback | Undocumented |
bag | name of bag file to echo messages from or None, str |
echo | Undocumented |
Get XML-RPC API of node
:param master: XML-RPC handle to ROS Master, xmlrpclib.ServerProxy
:param caller_id: node name, str
:returns: XML-RPC URI of node, str
:raises: ROSTopicIOException
If unable to communicate with master
Prints topics in bag file to screen :param bag_file: path to bag file, str :param topic: optional topic name to match. Will print additional information just about messagese in this topic, str
Build up maps for hostname to topic list per hostname :returns: publishers host map, subscribers host map, {str: set(str)}, {str: set(str)}
Print topics to screen
Parameters | |
topic | topic name to list information or None to match all topics, str |
verbose | print additional debugging information, bool |
subscribers | print information about subscriptions only, bool |
publishers | print information about subscriptions only, bool |
group | group topic list by hostname, bool |
Lookup topics by topic_type :param topic_type: type of topic to find, str :returns: list of topic names that use topic_type, [str]
pkg/typeName -> pkg, typeName -> None
Parameters | |
name | package resource name, e.g. 'std_msgs/String', str |
Returns | |
package name of resource, str |
Create rospy.Publisher instance from the string topic name and type. This is a powerful method as it allows creation of rospy.Publisher and Message instances using the topic and type names. This enables more dynamic publishing from Python programs.
Parameters | |
topic | name of topic, str |
topic | name of topic type, str |
latch | disable_rostime: whether to disable rostime (use walltime instead), bool |
disable | Undocumented |
Returns | |
topic rospy.Publisher , Message class |
Publish message at specified rate. Subroutine of L{publish_message()}.
Parameters | |
pub | rospy.Publisher` instance for topic |
msg | message instance to publish |
rate | publishing rate (hz) or None for just once, int |
verbose | If True, print more verbose output to stdout, bool |
substitute | Undocumented |
pub | Undocumented |
Publish and latch message. Subroutine of L{publish_message()}.
Parameters | |
pub | rospy.Publisher instance for topic |
msg | message instance to publish |
once | if True, publish message once and then exit after sleep interval, bool |
verbose | If True, print more verbose output to stdout, bool |
Create new instance of msg_class, populate with pub_args, and publish. This may print output to screen.
Parameters | |
pub | rospy.Publisher instance for topic |
msg | Message type, Class |
pub | Arguments to initialize message that is published, [val] |
rate | publishing rate (hz) or None for just once, int |
once | publish only once and return, bool |
verbose | If True, print more verbose output to stdout, bool |
substitute | Undocumented |
Parse 'pub' command arguments and run command. Will cause a system
exit if command-line argument parsing fails.
:param argv: command-line arguments
:param argv: [str]
:raises: ROSTopicException
If call command cannot be executed
Parameters | |
filename | file name, str |
Returns | |
Iterator that yields pub args (list of args), iterator | |
Raises | |
Unknown exception | ROSTopicException If filename is invalid |
Parameters | |
pub | Undocumented |
msg | Undocumented |
param | ROS parameter name, str |
rate | Undocumented |
verbose | Undocumented |
Returns | |
List of msg dicts in file, [{str: any}] | |
Raises | |
Unknown exception | ROSTopicException If parameter is not set |
Parameters | |
pub | Undocumented |
msg | Undocumented |
rate | Undocumented |
once | Undocumented |
filename | name of file to read from instead of stdin, or None, str |
verbose | Undocumented |