package documentation

roslib is largely deprecated starting in the ROS Fuerte release.

roslib has a very important role in all Python code written for ROS: it contains the L{load_manifest()} method, which updates the PYTHONPATH based on a set of ROS Package manifest.xml files.

Beyond the important load_manifest() call, most of the rest of roslib consists of low-level libraries that 99% of ROS users need not interact with. These libraries are primarily to support higher-level ROS Python libraries, such as the rospy client library, as well as numerous ROS tools (e.g. rostopic).

Module exceptions Provides the L{ROSLibException} class, which is common to many roslib libraries.
Module gentools Library for supporting message and service generation for all ROS client libraries. This is mainly responsible for calculating the md5sums and message definitions of classes.
Module launcher Python path loader for python scripts and applications. Paths are derived from dependency structure declared in ROS manifest files.
Module manifest Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superseded by other libraries (e.g. rospkg). These routines will likely be deleted in future releases.
Module manifestlib Internal library for processing 'manifest' files, i.e. manifest.xml and stack.xml. For external code apis, see L{roslib.manifest} and L{roslib.stack_manifest}.
Module message Support library for Python autogenerated message files. This defines the Message base class used by genmsg_py as well as support libraries for type checking and retrieving message classes by type name.
Module msgs No module docstring; 0/2 variable, 0/15 constant, 23/26 functions, 0/1 exception, 3/3 classes documented
Module names Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superseded by other libraries (e.g. genmsg). These routines will likely be deleted in future releases.
Module network Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superseded by other libraries (e.g. rosgraph). These routines will likely be deleted in future releases.
Module packages Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superseded by other libraries (e.g. rospkg). These routines will likely be deleted in future releases.
Module resources Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superseded by other libraries (e.g. rospkg). These routines will likely be deleted in future releases.
Module rosenv Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superseded by other libraries (e.g. rospkg). These routines will likely be deleted in future releases.
Module rospack Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superseded by other libraries (e.g. rospkg). These routines will likely be deleted in future releases.
Module scriptutil Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superseded by other libraries (e.g. rospkg). These routines will likely be deleted in future releases.
Module srvs ROS Service Description Language Spec Implements U{}
Module stack_manifest Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superseded by other libraries (e.g. rospkg). These routines will likely be deleted in future releases.
Module stacks Warning: do not use this library. It is unstable and most of the routines here have been superseded by other libraries (e.g. rospkg). These routines will likely be deleted in future releases.


Function is_interactive General API for a script specifying that it is being run in an interactive environment. Many libraries may wish to change their behavior based on being interactive (e.g. disabling signal handlers on Ctrl-C).
Function set_interactive General API for a script specifying that it is being run in an interactive environment. Many libraries may wish to change their behavior based on being interactive (e.g. disabling signal handlers on Ctrl-C).
Variable __version__ Undocumented
Variable _is_interactive Undocumented
__version__: str =


_is_interactive: bool =


def set_interactive(interactive):

General API for a script specifying that it is being run in an interactive environment. Many libraries may wish to change their behavior based on being interactive (e.g. disabling signal handlers on Ctrl-C).

@param interactive: True if current script is being run in an interactive shell @type interactive: bool

def is_interactive():

General API for a script specifying that it is being run in an interactive environment. Many libraries may wish to change their behavior based on being interactive (e.g. disabling signal handlers on Ctrl-C).

@return: True if interactive flag has been set @rtype: bool