module documentation

ROS Service Description Language Spec Implements U{}

Class SrvSpec Undocumented
Exception SrvSpecException Undocumented
Function get_pkg_srv_specs List all messages that a package contains @param depend: roslib.manifest.Depend object representing package to load messages from @type depend: Depend @return: list of message type names and specs for package, as well as a list of message names that could not be processed...
Function is_verbose Undocumented
Function list_srv_types list all services in the specified package @param package: name of package to search @type package: str @param include_depends: if True, will also list services in package dependencies @type include_depends: bool @return: service type names @rtype: [str]...
Function load_from_file Convert the .srv representation in the file to a SrvSpec instance. @param file_name: name of file to load from @type file_name: str @param package_context: context to use for type name, i.e. the package name, or '' to use local naming convention...
Function load_from_string @param text: .msg text @type text: str @param package_context: context to use for msgTypeName, i.e. the package name, or '' to use local naming convention. @type package_context: str @return: Message type name and message specification @rtype: roslib...
Function set_verbose Undocumented
Function srv_file @param package: name of package .srv file is in @type package: str @param type_: type name of service @type type_: str @return: file path of .srv file in specified package @rtype: str
Constant EXT Undocumented
Constant IODELIM Undocumented
Constant SEP Undocumented
Constant VERBOSE Undocumented
Function _srv_filter Undocumented
def get_pkg_srv_specs(package):

List all messages that a package contains @param depend: roslib.manifest.Depend object representing package to load messages from @type depend: Depend @return: list of message type names and specs for package, as well as a list of message names that could not be processed. @rtype: [(str,roslib.MsgSpec), [str]]

def is_verbose():


def list_srv_types(package, include_depends):

list all services in the specified package @param package: name of package to search @type package: str @param include_depends: if True, will also list services in package dependencies @type include_depends: bool @return: service type names @rtype: [str]

def load_from_file(file_name, package_context=''):

Convert the .srv representation in the file to a SrvSpec instance. @param file_name: name of file to load from @type file_name: str @param package_context: context to use for type name, i.e. the package name, or '' to use local naming convention. @type package_context: str @return: Message type name and message specification @rtype: (str, L{SrvSpec}) @raise SrvSpecException: if syntax errors or other problems are detected in file

def load_from_string(text, package_context='', full_name='', short_name=''):

@param text: .msg text @type text: str @param package_context: context to use for msgTypeName, i.e. the package name, or '' to use local naming convention. @type package_context: str @return: Message type name and message specification @rtype: roslib.MsgSpec @raise roslib.MsgSpecException: if syntax errors or other problems are detected in file

def set_verbose(v):


def srv_file(package, type_):

@param package: name of package .srv file is in @type package: str @param type_: type name of service @type type_: str @return: file path of .srv file in specified package @rtype: str

EXT: str =


IODELIM: str =


SEP: str =


VERBOSE: bool =


def _srv_filter(f):
