module documentation


Function add_pattern Record struct pattern that's been used for (de)serialization.
Function clear_patterns Clear record of struct pattern that have been used for (de)serialization.
Function compute_struct_pattern Get struct pattern.
Function get_patterns Get record of struct pattern that have been used for (de)serialization.
Function int32_pack Pack int32.
Function int32_unpack Unpack int32.
Function pack Create struct.pack call for when pattern is a string pattern.
Function pack2 Create struct.pack call for when pattern is the name of a variable.
Function reduce_pattern Optimize the struct format pattern.
Function serialize Return code to write expression to buffer.
Function unpack Create struct.unpack call for when pattern is a string pattern.
Function unpack2 Create struct.unpack call for when pattern refers to variable.
Function unpack3 Create an unpack call on the struct.Struct object with the name struct_var.
Variable _context_patterns Undocumented
def add_pattern(p):

Record struct pattern that's been used for (de)serialization.

def clear_patterns():

Clear record of struct pattern that have been used for (de)serialization.

def compute_struct_pattern(types):

Get struct pattern.

typestype names, [str]
format string for struct if types are all simple. Otherwise, return None, str
def get_patterns():

Get record of struct pattern that have been used for (de)serialization.

def int32_pack(var):

Pack int32.

varvariable name, str
struct packing code for an int32
def int32_unpack(var, buff):

Unpack int32.

varvariable name, str
struct unpacking code for an int32
def pack(pattern, vars_):

Create struct.pack call for when pattern is a string pattern.

patternpattern for pack, str
vars_name of variables to pack, str
def pack2(pattern, vars_):

Create struct.pack call for when pattern is the name of a variable.

patternname of variable storing string pattern, struct
vars_name of variables to pack, str
def reduce_pattern(pattern):

Optimize the struct format pattern.

patternstruct pattern, str
optimized struct pattern, str
def serialize(expr):

Return code to write expression to buffer.

expr strstring python expression that is evaluated for serialization
python call to write value returned by expr to serialization buffer
def unpack(var, pattern, buff):

Create struct.unpack call for when pattern is a string pattern.

varname of variable to unpack, str
patternpattern for pack, str
buffbuffer to unpack from, str
def unpack2(var, pattern, buff):

Create struct.unpack call for when pattern refers to variable.

varvariable the stores the result of unpack call, str
patternname of variable that unpack will read from, str
buffbuffer that the unpack reads from, StringIO
def unpack3(var, struct_var, buff):

Create an unpack call on the struct.Struct object with the name struct_var.

varvariable the stores the result of unpack call, str
buffbuffer that the unpack reads from, StringIO
str struct_varname of the struct variable used to unpack buff
_context_patterns: list =
