class documentation

Stores a time history of messages.

Given a stream of messages, the most recent cache_size messages are cached in a ring buffer, from which time intervals of the cache can then be retrieved by the client. The allow_headerless option specifies whether to allow storing headerless messages with current ROS time instead of timestamp. You should avoid this as much as you can, since the delays are unpredictable.

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method add Undocumented
Method connectInput Undocumented
Method getElemAfterTime Return the oldest element after or equal the passed time stamp.
Method getElemBeforeTime Return the newest element before or equal the passed time stamp.
Method getInterval Query the current cache content between from_stamp to to_stamp.
Method getLast Undocumented
Method getLastestTime Return the newest recorded timestamp (equivalent to getLatestTime(), but included for backwards compatibility).
Method getLatestTime Return the newest recorded timestamp.
Method getOldestTime Return the oldest recorded timestamp.
Instance Variable allow_headerless Undocumented
Instance Variable cache_msgs Undocumented
Instance Variable cache_size Undocumented
Instance Variable cache_times Undocumented
Instance Variable incoming_connection Undocumented

Inherited from SimpleFilter:

Method registerCallback Register a callback function cb to be called when this filter has output. The filter calls the function cb with a filter-dependent list of arguments, followed by the call-supplied arguments args.
Method signalMessage Undocumented
Instance Variable callbacks Undocumented
def __init__(self, f, cache_size=1, allow_headerless=False):
def add(self, msg):


def connectInput(self, f):


def getElemAfterTime(self, stamp):

Return the oldest element after or equal the passed time stamp.

def getElemBeforeTime(self, stamp):

Return the newest element before or equal the passed time stamp.

def getInterval(self, from_stamp, to_stamp):

Query the current cache content between from_stamp to to_stamp.

def getLast(self):


def getLastestTime(self):

Return the newest recorded timestamp (equivalent to getLatestTime(), but included for backwards compatibility).

def getLatestTime(self):

Return the newest recorded timestamp.

def getOldestTime(self):

Return the oldest recorded timestamp.

allow_headerless =


cache_msgs: list =


cache_size =


cache_times: list =


incoming_connection =
