class documentation

Synchronizes messages by their timestamps.

TimeSynchronizer synchronizes incoming message filters by the timestamps contained in their messages' headers. TimeSynchronizer listens on multiple input message filters fs, and invokes the callback when it has a collection of messages with matching timestamps.

The signature of the callback function is:

def callback(msg1, ... msgN):

where N is the number of input message filters, and each message is the output of the corresponding filter in fs. The required queue size parameter specifies how many sets of messages it should store from each input filter (by timestamp) while waiting for messages to arrive and complete their "set".

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method add Undocumented
Method connectInput Undocumented
Instance Variable enable_reset Undocumented
Instance Variable input_connections Undocumented
Instance Variable latest_stamps Undocumented
Instance Variable lock Undocumented
Instance Variable queue_size Undocumented
Instance Variable queues Undocumented

Inherited from SimpleFilter:

Method registerCallback Register a callback function cb to be called when this filter has output. The filter calls the function cb with a filter-dependent list of arguments, followed by the call-supplied arguments args.
Method signalMessage Undocumented
Instance Variable callbacks Undocumented
def __init__(self, fs, queue_size, reset=False):
def add(self, msg, my_queue, my_queue_index=None):
def connectInput(self, fs):


input_connections =


latest_stamps =


lock =


queue_size =


queues =
