class documentation

class ROSLaunchParentNode(ROSLaunchNode):

Constructor: ROSLaunchParentNode(rosconfig, pm)

View In Hierarchy

XML-RPC server for parent roslaunch.

Method __init__ @param config: ROSConfig launch configuration @type config: L{ROSConfig} @param pm: process monitor @type pm: L{ProcessMonitor}
Method add_child the same as the machine config key.
Method add_process_listener Listen to events about remote processes dying. Not threadsafe. Must be called before processes started. @param l: Process listener @type l: L{ProcessListener}
Instance Variable child_processes Undocumented
Instance Variable listeners Undocumented
Instance Variable rosconfig Undocumented

Inherited from ROSLaunchNode:

Method run run() should not be called by higher-level code. ROSLaunchNode overrides underlying xmlrpc.XmlRpcNode implementation in order to log errors.
Method start Startup roslaunch server XML-RPC services @raise RLException: if server fails to start
def __init__(self, rosconfig, pm):

@param config: ROSConfig launch configuration @type config: L{ROSConfig} @param pm: process monitor @type pm: L{ProcessMonitor}

def add_child(self, name, p):

@param name: child roslaunch's name. NOTE: \x07 name is not
the same as the machine config key.

@type name: str @param p: process handle of child @type p: L{Process}

def add_process_listener(self, l):

Listen to events about remote processes dying. Not threadsafe. Must be called before processes started. @param l: Process listener @type l: L{ProcessListener}

child_processes: dict =


listeners: list =


rosconfig =
