module documentation


Class AutorunMode Undocumented
Class ButtonAction Undocumented
Class CommandEnum Enumeration of all commands used
Class ConveyorCan ConveyorID to control conveyors with CAN interface
Class ConveyorDirection Undocumented
Class ConveyorID ConveyorID to be able to have CAN (id 12 and 13) and TTL (id 9 and 10) conveyor in any possible combination
Class ConveyorTTL ConveyorID to control conveyors with TTL interface
Class ObjectColor Undocumented
Class ObjectShape Undocumented
Class PinID Pins ID
Class PinMode Pin Mode is either OUTPUT or INPUT
Class PinState Pin State is either LOW or HIGH
Class ProgramLanguage Undocumented
Class ShiftPose Undocumented
Class ToolID Tools IDs (need to match tools ids in niryo_robot_tools_commander package)