module documentation


Class Executable Executable is a generic container for executable commands.
Class Machine Data structure for storing information about a machine in the ROS system. Corresponds to the 'machine' tag in the launch specification.
Class Master Data structure for representing and querying state of master
Class Node Data structure for storing information about a desired node in the ROS system Corresponds to the 'node' tag in the launch specification.
Class Param Data structure for storing information about a desired parameter in the ROS system Corresponds to the 'param' tag in the launch specification.
Class RosbinExecutable RosbinExecutables are executables stored in ROS_ROOT/bin.
Class Test A Test is a Node with special semantics that it performs a unit/integration test. The data model is the same except the option to set the respawn flag is removed.
Exception RLException Base roslaunch exception type
Function add_printerrlog_handler Register additional handler for printerrlog()
Function add_printlog_handler Register additional handler for printlog()
Function clear_printerrlog_handlers Delete all printerrlog handlers. required for testing
Function clear_printlog_handlers Delete all printlog handlers. required for testing
Function generate_run_id Utility routine for generating run IDs (UUIDs) :returns: guid, str
Function is_child_mode No summary
Function is_machine_local Check to see if machine is local. NOTE: a machine is not local if its user credentials do not match the current user. :param machine: Machine, Machine :returns: True if machine is local and doesn't require remote login, ...
Function local_machine No summary
Function printerrlog Core utility for printing message to stderr as well as printerrlog handlers :param msg: message to print, str
Function printlog Core utility for printing message to stdout as well as printlog handlers :param msg: message to print, str
Function printlog_bold Similar to L{printlog()}, but the message printed to screen is bolded for greater clarity :param msg: message to print, str
Function remap_localhost_uri Resolve localhost addresses to an IP address so that :param uri: XML-RPC URI, str :param force_localhost: if True, URI is mapped onto the local machine no matter what, bool
Function rle_wrapper Wrap lower-level exceptions in RLException class :returns:: function wrapper that throws an RLException if the
Function set_child_mode No summary
Function setup_env Create dictionary of environment variables to set for launched process.
Constant PHASE_RUN Undocumented
Constant PHASE_SETUP Undocumented
Constant PHASE_TEARDOWN Undocumented
Constant TEST_TIME_LIMIT_DEFAULT Undocumented
Variable get_master_uri_env Undocumented
Function _xml_escape Escape string for XML :param s: string to escape, str :returns:: string with XML entities (<, >, ", &) escaped, str
Variable _child_mode Undocumented
Variable _local_m Undocumented
Variable _printerrlog_handlers Undocumented
Variable _printlog_handlers Undocumented
def add_printerrlog_handler(h):

Register additional handler for printerrlog()

def add_printlog_handler(h):

Register additional handler for printlog()

def clear_printerrlog_handlers():

Delete all printerrlog handlers. required for testing

def clear_printlog_handlers():

Delete all printlog handlers. required for testing

def generate_run_id():

Utility routine for generating run IDs (UUIDs) :returns: guid, str

def is_child_mode():
True if roslaunch is running in remote child mode, bool
def is_machine_local(machine):

Check to see if machine is local. NOTE: a machine is not local if its user credentials do not match the current user. :param machine: Machine, Machine :returns: True if machine is local and doesn't require remote login, bool

def local_machine():
Unknown Field: returns:
Machine instance representing the local machine, Machine
def printerrlog(msg):

Core utility for printing message to stderr as well as printerrlog handlers :param msg: message to print, str

def printlog(msg):

Core utility for printing message to stdout as well as printlog handlers :param msg: message to print, str

def printlog_bold(msg):

Similar to L{printlog()}, but the message printed to screen is bolded for greater clarity :param msg: message to print, str

def remap_localhost_uri(uri, force_localhost=False):

Resolve localhost addresses to an IP address so that :param uri: XML-RPC URI, str :param force_localhost: if True, URI is mapped onto the local machine no matter what, bool

def rle_wrapper(fn):

Wrap lower-level exceptions in RLException class :returns:: function wrapper that throws an RLException if the

wrapped function throws an Exception, fn
def set_child_mode(child_mode):
child_modeTrue if roslaunch is running in remote child mode, bool
def setup_env(node, machine, master_uri, env=None):

Create dictionary of environment variables to set for launched process.

setup_env() will only set ROS_*, PYTHONPATH, and user-specified environment variables.

nodenode that is being launched or None, Node
machinemachine being launched on, Machine
master_uriROS master URI, str
envbase environment configuration, defaults to os.environ
process env dictionary, dict
PHASE_RUN: str =








get_master_uri_env =


def _xml_escape(s):

Escape string for XML :param s: string to escape, str :returns:: string with XML entities (<, >, ", &) escaped, str



_child_mode: bool =


_local_m =


_printerrlog_handlers: list =


_printlog_handlers: list =
